You can't say "CHIT" with an "S", but you can access all the **** you could ever want. Go figure THAT out. & they insist on removing my posts because they seem to disagree with my opinion.

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SUSIE ELLIS commented
every single time I try to post a comment on an article it gets rejected. Not because its violent or bullying but because its a conservatives viewpoint...Left Much Aol...You suck and if I didnt have to use you for my email, I would quit your f'd up service...
Chester Mohn commented
So now I suppose I am totally blocked from making a comment on AOL I now get the "I am violating community standards NO MATTER WHAT I WRITE! I typed TESTING TESTING TESTING and it was rejected as violating community standards. They never tell you WHAT you violated.
I was kicked out for using the "F" word. FAITH!
Chester Mohn commented
I received the dreaded I can't post anymore because Ive been a bad boy AND VIOLATED COMMUNITY STANDARDS. Now this was NOT for using bad words but every day words like FAITH! I can't reference HITLER as he didn't exist. Can't use **** **** DUMB AND STUPID like in that's a STUPID idea
Melissa Smith commented
Aol, has gone beyond their community guidelines and are now just power hungry or control freaks. Even if I try to post a nice or positive comments, they block me and say it is against their community guidelines. How is "I love Dolly Parton", against community guidelines?? Aol has blocked me for 2 years now. Enough is enough.
Bill Heisler commented
I just stopped reading any articles since they are biased and filled with half truths to make the left look good. Elon musk was correct about the left they are hateful and vile unless one agrees with them. They never allow dialogue because they are unable to defend their rhetoric.
Eric Shane commented
aol sure likes yo block comments on anything that makes republicans look good or says dems are wrong
Eric Shane commented
aol is blocking comments yet ignores their own community guide lines allowing false and pornographic avatars it allows the left to post hate but flags conservative comments
JOHN BARKER commented
can't enjoy the comment page anymore
JOHN BARKER commented
comments are one sided and aol remove that comment
Thomas Hawksblood commented
Who determines what Articles we can reply to and what ones we cannot. Who's brainstorm Is that? Nothing to do with free speech.
barleerub commented
Following the article about Dr. Ruth, a commenter named DEBORAH called her a *****. When I objected to this, my objection was denied, as were a couple comments praising Dr. Ruth, which are still awaiting "approval." What on earth is going on with your "evaluators??
Roy Patton commented
I have been blocked from posting comments also and don't know why. I guess I should just cancel my account along with me roommate's account. We both are also paying members.
Eric Shane commented
aol is in bed with the left and is off the hook censoring while ignoring the lefts violations!
Please tell me how long am I going to be blocked from making a comment on a news article. AND DO NOT SEND ME YOUR COMMUNITY GUIDELINES -- I understand that. I just want to know how long I am going to be punished for making a comment your censor did not like. I want you to tell me how long I am going to be blocked. I am a paying AOL customer, and to be treated this way is highly insulting.
ponchofjb commented
what was I blocked for using the word yawn ?
When a comment is blocked in comment section of AOL news, why is the block on the account permanent?? I am a paying member of AOL, and just because a censor didn't like one of my comments, citing "community guidelines" that doesn't mean I should be blocked permanently.
Eric Shane commented
aol yahoo cant even follow their own guidelines Don't lose your AOL Account - We reserve the right to remove any comment that doesn't comply with our guidelines or Terms of Service, and to terminate an AOL Account for a violation.
Don't make false statements, defame, or impersonate someone else.
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Posting HTML, viruses, or other malicious code is a violation of the Terms of Service.
Comments shouldn't harass, abuse, or threaten anyone's personal safety or property.
Don't post profanity, obscenities, abusive language, or otherwise objectionable content.
Protect privacy. Don't post phone numbers, email or mailing addresses, credit card information, etc.
We are not responsible or liable in any way for comments posted by our users.
N A commented
Any comment says " Your comment has been rejected" for no reason. why? who is responsible for blocking my comments. There is no violation
Eric Shane commented
i pay for the service and am censored as aol violayes its own guidelines! Why?? Telling the truth
Jay VIDA commented
Why is my comments being blocked? please remove block