AOL App For Android
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
666 results found
451st ranked
Calendar problem
Calendar will not allow repeating entries and has stopped notifications on some of my repeating entries.
451st ranked -
451st ranked
I have contact that you keep asking me they are safe. Yes! They are safe they are in my contact!
Stop asking if my contact is a safe sender.
451st ranked -
451st ranked
Why am I not receiving my password reset emails from other Websites ? Very annoying 😡
Frustrating unnecessary complications
451st ranked -
I can't make a profile picture. how coulf I do it?
google make us chage our profile picture thar's not exidt in Aol ?!
451st ranked -
451st ranked
Where are my old emails? Nothing populates and I need to find them
Old email file empty
451st ranked -
hardly any of my emails post open when I go to my mail ?!
mail not all listing
451st ranked -
I want my email not terrible trash news. when I click on email I expect email.
when you click on email you should get your email. nobody cares about all this other ****.
25th ranked -
Actually put my app in Dark Mode when I tell it to match the setting of my device, which is set to Dark Mode!
I should NOT be seeing a white background and dark text in my email inbox when I've told the app to match the Dark Mode setting of my device!
451st ranked -
Go back to old version. Canot go back to retrieve an old or deleted email when needed. Please put some of the old version back! Thank you.?
new version stinks!
4th ranked -
Bring back predictive text and Spellcheck when sending an email through the app. It is very frustrating to send an email without them!
bring back predictive text and spellchecker while typing an email. very frustrating when typing. annoying that sentences don't automatically capitalize (cade in point this sentence!)
6th ranked -
nicht alle 14 Tage fragen ob ich es bin bitte bestätigen sie einmal in drei Monaten reicht
158th ranked -
Allow email signature from pc to transfer to mobile, with images
I use my email for work and sometimes i need to send stuff on the go i need my signature at the bottom to look Professional.
158th ranked -
I totally agree with ALL of the posts! New to this email! Will switch it it gets out of control!
go back to old AOL PLEASE
120th ranked -
134th ranked
that I should be able to delete unneeded email contacts that I don't want that are attached to my emails. Also, other email contacts show up
.. when I'm attempting to start a new email.
224th ranked -
224th ranked
- Don't see your idea?