AOL App For Android
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
673 results found
451st ranked
451st ranked
451st ranked
hackers and personal information
stealing information things feel very strange with my account 😕 a lot of slow down emails and my location and settings change every day ? how is this possible 😳 I have reported this many times but Noone has responded.
224th ranked -
saved email suddenly disappeared
yesterday all saved email was there, today gone. I save them for a reason and to have them gone is disconcerting. Been an AOL subscriber for more than 30 years and this has never happened.
46th ranked -
Stop the default to old mail when a post has been opened. Does not happen on my PC version but on phone and tablet app.
I cannot find a switch to turn this feature off and it's a real pain, means I do not open important email on my phone, or move them immeditly to a different file. this only happens in the New mail file.
451st ranked -
mail combining stop
stop combining emails from the same address. it makes it difficult got back. also replies always jumps to the bottom when typing so you do not see as typing typing
451st ranked -
not possible to move mail item back to new mail. please correct!!!
loss of new mail
451st ranked -
Fix your mark as unread problems
cannot mark an email as unread after replying to it have to chase it to Old mail and then Mark as unread and go back to new mail
109th ranked -
451st ranked
451st ranked
451st ranked
451st ranked
I loved how we could click and organize email via alphabet with one click so as to retrieve important mail quickly and clearly.
organize inbox/old/spam email alphabetically.
224th ranked -
old mail never seems to move to old mail folder
old mail remains in new mail folder. very annoying.
224th ranked -
158th ranked
please fix the spam email folder reload loop
whenever i empty the spam folder of spam emails through the aol android app, and go to refresh it so the changes stock & reflect properly, its stuck on a loop that doesnt end unless i close and open the app again
224th ranked -
451st ranked
what is wrong with you people, there is something wrong with the new version! I cannot delete my trash, without having to uninstall and re
cannot delete trash! I have to uninstall and reinstall to delete trash! Very Annoying!
451st ranked -
224th ranked
- Don't see your idea?