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870 results found
Let me opt out of certain news sources and specific topics. Google News does this - so should you.
More news - less gossip. Let me choose.
Please add italian news edition
Add italian news edition
I was urged to use the AOLapp. however theres not much point as this is all US news can you not make it country specific. I could uninstall
country specific news feed.
too much celeb gossip
you presume all your users are interested in tittle tattle
fire your entire staff,and start from the ground up,its what you want the police to do...if its good enough for them its good enough for you
making AOL Great Again
Die Nachrichten sind oft viel zu alt und stehen zu lange an erster Stelle.
Immer aktuelle
Nachrichten an erster Stelle setzen. -
all you put on here is trash.
stop posting about Meghan Markle and Kamala Harris.
Meghan Markle is a professional black woman when it gets her press - the rest of the time she presents as a white woman. she knows nothing about racial injustice, she has never lived in a black neighborhood nor gone to a black school nor have black children.
Kamala Harris is anti- Christian , anti-semitic , anti USA, racist anti - white woman. she is also a liar and a hypocrite. she claims to be anti - death penalty all her adult life but is 100% pro - abortion. she thinks murderers should hang out in luxury jails but its…
stop wasting your time and money putting up stories of celebrities I could care less about Chrissy Teigen having another baby .
if I want that kinda **** I'll buy people magazine, don't need it sent to me .
I have seen others say this and there are lots on the internet about how they don't like seeing news when they go to open their email.
I would rather pay for aol, Facebook etc. instead of seeing adds and news. So far app works ok. Haven't had for long.
Right now I can't post this. Shoot! -
black listed my account. this is censorship and I pay for this??
AOL censors posts on articles
- Don't see your idea?