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195 results found
94th ranked
why have you become an "easy to report" news outlet. 11 days into 2023 & you've provided little international news, except USA/entertainment
there are wars in Africa & Ukraine, floods, international politics but you choose to concentrate on entertainment pieces. your news has lost its balance.
224th ranked -
why is motoring news not updating?
motoring needs updating.
451st ranked -
87th ranked
158th ranked
Your Awesome!
News is cool!
451st ranked -
451st ranked
451st ranked
Change the news items every once in a while. You know the news in the world does change from day-to-day.
I've had the same news items for at least 10 days. National and International news does change daily and even hourly so it would be nice if your news items could reflect that!
94th ranked -
make the home page set at main and not saved when opened
when I open aol the page that comes up is set at saved not home page
47th ranked -
Don't send me "Great! We'll send you personalised content" pop ups when I haven't requested them or ticked any boxes.
Unwanted and unrequested "personalised content"
451st ranked -
There comes a point,when a recipe is totally perfect. Then you maintain and reproduce,not change it.
Use news sources local to individuals, rather than primarily Yahoo, CNN, etc. Like maybe Komo or Kiro for King county WA.
224th ranked -
My aol application is having an app. issue regarding to the actual location of the weather setting on my cell phone only 570 313 9707.
Incorrect location on the weather of aol application on my cell phone only
224th ranked -
451st ranked
could sort out the motoring page stuck unchanged since October 13th also return to old weather format
motoring and sport are the only ones I read motoring has not been updated since 13th October 2022 maybe put some American vehicles (no Harley's please) on too, that should please you insular lot?
451st ranked
- Don't see your idea?