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870 results found
Most of the stories don't open, so what's the point of having them on the feed headlines?....
I just did!
your news is just left wing anti Christian,we get it, you hate Jesus,unborn children and any Christian value . Yes we know you hate Trump
what are you afraid of? Offer people option to comment under articles ,or are you afraid to be called out for lying
bring back Fox News as my preferred newslink.
there was a time where I could personalize my news links, now I see that I'm compelled to read what you want me to read!
stop the leftist notifications!! I just want email
****** notifications
I don't like the misleading headlines. I find many articles have anti Trump headlines then the articles doesn't really cover anything.
misleading headlines
Please allow a setting where we have the option to choose if we want "News" upon opening the AOL account or "Emails." I'd rather see emails
I don't want to see the "News" upon opening my account. I'd rather have my email account as the first thing I see when I open my account. I don't watch the news because it's depressing, so I don't want to see it when I open my email account. I use AOL strictly for emailing purposes only. Why can't an AOL user have the option under Settings to decide what appears on the Home page upon opening their account? AOL has had enough negative feedback re this matter and I'm baffled as to why they haven't done anything to resolve…
too much celeb gossip
you presume all your users are interested in tittle tattle
How to Remove This Infectious News from My AoL Mail. Hard to Believe Intelligent People Have Let it go on this Long
Remove this Infectious Fake News from My AoL MaiL
Hire an individual who actually has command of the English Language and Grammer. Your current display of "Headlines" is atrocious!
The Individuals posting your headlines need replacing. AOL should be embarrassed by such awful errors in Grammer. I am available for Hire! I suggest you take a look at what was posted today.
Stop with the far left slanted news. A large portion of your readers are not radical leftist or Trump haters apparently you have become one
Not a Socialist freeloader
- Don't see your idea?