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870 results found
get rid of you liberal ultra left wing news stories.
you're to left wing!
How do I delete your bias Articles. I just want my email not your ********
bias news reporting
I can't comment on any news articles
I can't comment on aol news articles like I could with the older version
Die angezeigten News sind 6 Wochen alt, bitte dringend aktualisieren!
Die angezeigten News sind 6 Wochen alt, bitte dringend aktualisieren!
If I can't configure what news I see I won't let you invade my phone
Option to configure what types of News this app shows
PLEASE go back to old format. is there any way I can do it myself. I detest the new format. you have to open to delete
what were you thinking. this new format is horrible!!!!!!!!
Stop posting liberal lies and promoting hatred of the police.
Stop promoting the lie of systemic racism and hatred towards police.
The very rhetoric that gets police officers killed. AOL and all the rest of the liberal media have blood on their hands. -
stop lying on politics an the new format stinks, leaving you is next!
your services are not working an the lies, gotta stop
Stop the biased and insanely liberal, progressive reporting of the "news".
Opinion is not news
why are there sexually suggestive photos?
why are there sexually suggestive photos?
All your articles need to be proof read
Articles you publish often have spelling mistakes and/or words missed out completely. This is lazy, unprofessional & disrespectful to your readers. All articles should be proof read.
stop listing thing by the color of people's skin. I should never see something that says black owned that's racist.
obnoxious listing of stories
Bitte die AOL- Nachrichten in deutscher Sprache!
Ich verzichte auf AOL -Nachrichten in englischer Sprachen. ich bin in Berlin.
not have news stories that you have to click next for 20 times, have just the article. Once I see next I close out completely.
obviously with other people who stated the same thing, you do nothing to improve.
shorten your sponsored stories. I don't want to go through 15 pages to get the gist of thg he article. I skip a lot of stories.
sponsored stories are too long
Add a feature to remove news, information that a reader is not interested in. For example, I am not interested in the 'style transformation'
Allow readers real time reader adjustment to their feed. There is an option to add/save a story, "+". Give an option to remove/delete a story.
Make the articles completely available so I don't have to tag through hundreds of ads to read an article
Stop with the Requirement that you go to next, next, next before reading an article completely it is frustrating and hard to read. I will search another app to read the same article
- Don't see your idea?