AOL App For Android
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
295 results found
wave the blistering $50 fee to scan a "system," which's impractical, given your agent admitted to the account being presently hacked.
Whenever service issues arise, the last thing on your agenda ought to be charging the customer $50 to scan your own servers, which the customer obviously cannot authorize.
translate email to English. I can't read it if it isn't in my language !!
I sent an email to PayPal and I get a reply email that was not in English. I can't read the reply
set default screen to mail.
app shoyld open to mail. not require ys to change screen to mail
add a way to NOT automatically save email addresses. they do not store to contacts, however they remain in the app's memory. how do I delete
Delete Non-Contact Book Addresses from App
Go bankrupt as soon as possible. You are a socialist dimocrat mouthpiece and a really stupid company.
No free speech here unless you're a dumbocrat!
Rotate Screen
add option for fixed rotation or auto rotation
I have no idea how, what, where, when YOU ARE IN. Y PHONE!!!!!
give an updated version of AOL to be used on tablets and phones. We are in the 21st century, time to update.
You ask for my idea and I get some flack about it. All I'm suggesting is to give an updated version for 2022/2023. Is there such a new version of AOL that's not complicated?
how in the **** do I delete people in my address list. AOL sucks.
you prevent me from making changes to my address book big brother
Let me go back to the old format. Member since 1980's. I hate your new format!
Member since 80's Hate your new format. Let me go back to the old one.
I absolutely hate the new format! Please bring back the 5.15.0 format version immediately and keep it and do not make any changes to it!
Change format back to 5.15.0!!!!
vieleicht. könnte man noch Ard und ZDF miteinander verknüpfen
mit Fernseher ähnlich wie Glasfaser verknüpfen;
New Layout was much better! I only want to read my Mails and dont land at the news Page every time
Landung Page should ne the inbox, not the news!
difficult to navigate
no what it used Mercedes
to be -
Give users some ability to control/tailor the sponsored content in our news feed.
allow paying users to modify their settings so that they have some control over the sponsored content on their news feed.
TEST, OS....
Delete contacts
Why isn't there a way to delete old or invalid email addresses?
- Don't see your idea?