AOL App For Android
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
295 results found
TEST, OS....
TEST, OS....
Don't ask me "maybe later", but give me the simple option of saying "no, never; please don't ever ask me again"!
I don't want to leave feedback
The mobile App should be able to block and add spam emails just like online on a PC etc. Add this feature please.
Block Email feature added on app
Provide a way to change FONT and FONT size.
Current "settings" are non-existent and/or a joke! Other users have asked for the same and it is "under review." UNDER REVIEW?
Verizon STUCK me with your POOR QUALITY email service. I didn't want it! Now, for tech support you want MONEY? I AM PAYING VERIZON!
pls allow to change first name
pls allow to change account first name
Dreams Fulfilled LLC(DE) found a timeout issue with phone verify
There is a timeout issue, too short, using phone as secondary verification method. Email works ok.
Roll back the app. It worked.
Roll back
If you run this app in another language than English, you find some labels that are still in English (translation missing)
... for example, in the Settings:
"System Notification Settings"
"To sign out, tap..." -
cannot access Privacy Dashboard
need to access Privacy Dashboard
The deletion confirmation popup is annoying and unnecessary. Is it possible to close or delete it?
Every time I delete an email a message appears asking me if I want to delete. Can this feature be turned off or removed?
Act in a reputable, transparent manner with cookies. You know well you have a most obstructive process towards allowing freedom of refusal.
Genuine choices in tracking
AOL censors are rejecting ALL comments on article postings!!
private finance initiative,pfi
private finance initiative,pfi
There needs to be an alternative way to log in when you don't remember your password but also have changed your cell phone number recently.
maybe a way to add a new number to send the verification
how to edit sign in credentials?
edit function not allowing settings update
Why can I not view most of the app in landscape view? This should be a setting for preferences.
Landscape option
great app, news is good, weather is good, only suggestion is have option on widget to just show weather & time, no fetch articles. Ty.
on Android Pie can't reduce widget not to show fetching news articles, as lots icons small realeatate at too of phone. When I want to see news I just open app and read.
perhaps add settings on widget with check boxes what we want to see, weather, time and news, etc.
Thanks love the widget, only reason it's not on my phone is due to this. app I have.Take care keep up good work.!!!!!!
- Don't see your idea?