AOL App For Android
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
4116 results found
I use aol email but they my phone email account. it's easier
I see we are going to have to start using the app. Not really excited about that
I only use this for email, and only because I've had my email address since it was Apple Developers Network. aol makes me use it
aol limits my access via other apos
I want out of this ap. please tell me how!
I just want to delete this Ap.
I was urged to use the AOLapp. however theres not much point as this is all US news can you not make it country specific. I could uninstall
country specific news feed.
check out blue mail and see how they are set up. I want to be able to click on one email and bring up all of them at once.
I want to be able to click on emails from a specific person in the right hand corner and it will bring up all of the emails from that person. Then I am able to click select all so that I can move them to their folder, or I can delete them.
Huffington post distorts facts. Jacob Blake walked to his car with officers telling him to stop and reaches in.. maybe he shouldn't have don
done that.. maybe the officers could have dealt with it better but to claim its all race is ridiculous.. and then mostly black rioters looting.. how does that even make sense and how can that be justified!!
Make the E-MAIL icon, which is the ONLY REASON I come to this site, able to be SEEN! Home page looks more like Facebook!
WHERE is the e-mail link?
- Don't see your idea?