Stop being so libral.
Middle of the road.
Dice commented
Going as far back as paying for dail up service, I'm a long time AOL patron. I'm sick and tired of AOL's liberal spin on news stories..
Twila Brown commented
post TRUTH not biased and slanted stories
Al commented
AOL should stop being a Democratic shill
Anonymous commented
Stop your anti-american fluff pieces you call news. The media should be independent from the Democratic party.
Anonymous commented
It's time you point out the good news about what President Trump is doing, not just the negative.
Anonymous commented
biased reporting
stay strong and do not back down.
Lou commented
Report many of the very positive promises he has kept.
Jim James Daniel commented
the stories and articles you post about American politics are slanderous and false! every time I open your app I am bombarded with ******** slimy stories that are obviously false and part of a larger smear campaign that I don't understand. everyone wanted DJT before he was in office, Hillary Obama everyone loves him. But when he got into office then all knew he was going to cut off their money source because they're all crooked. we all know that the Democrats Clinton's and Obama's and all their supporters slide money to large media moguls and journalism outlets. you are an email service! not a news advocate. But you've become a false narrative spreader to weak-minded an unknowing patrons of your failing company.
Anonymous commented
Blatantly biased fake news
Butch commented
stop the biased reporting
Raun commented
political biased
Chelle commented
How can I bypassyour "headlines page and just go straight to my email? I stopped reading your junk years ago.
Jerry commented
Stop being biased against conservatives.
Steve h commented
Support all of your patrons. stop the bias
Anonymous commented
Tired of constant Trump bashing.
Joe Mazza commented
Post the news not your opinion
Steve D. commented
Can't stand all your anti-Trump bs on here. You are as bad as CNN and MSNBC and all the other anti-trump news outlets.
Anonymous commented
just be a neutral unbiased real news supplier.
Anonymous commented
blah blah