Get rid of the stories that make you hit "NEXT" 27 times to read it... Annoying!

andy l commented
yes amen f the ads click bait can kiss my bass
Anonymous commented
I agree with the person who said clicking on "Next" multiple times to read a story is annoying. it's frustrating. It has discouraged me from interest in reading the stories. It's too time consuming. It sould just go on with the facts of the story in details, not suspense... and be done with it. If that happens... then, I would read the stories that are of interest to me.
Rob commented
those are Ads. dont click them
june pollard commented
I agree. Takes up too much data and time.
Anonymous commented
they make those annoying articles like that so every time you click next it goes to a new page with ads on it and they get paid. I don't like reading one sentence and having to click next.