May I ask why I receive continuous Ads when using my (payed) AOL Mail account? Yes I suggest you send Ads elsewhere and not to my email.

Thanks for the feedback.
We’re really sorry to hear your displeasure with the advertising on the AOL App. In order for AOL to offer things like web content and products, we need to sell advertising just like any newspaper, magazine or television station would.
But we certainly don’t want to get to a point where we start to lose our valued audience, so your feedback is greatly valued.
Ian Warner commented
Remove the "recommended" or "top" picks and links at the header of a lot of emails. Particularly frustrating for eBay which takes up 80% of the screen when you open an email.
Anonymous commented
was ich nie lesen wollte....
Anonymous commented
Lose the stupid unwanted Ads! Rent a billboard & let all AOL users Be!! Such Nonsense. "If it ain' broke-don't fix it!"
Mike commented
Old format please
Bob commented
Allow blocking of unwanted ads
Anonymous commented
stop enforced ads in email.
Anonymous commented
to many adds.
BH commented
Stop ads.
Anonymous commented
drop the ads from my email or I will drop you
Anonymous commented
go back to the old system
Anonymous commented
No ads in email.
Anonymous commented
no adverts not nessasary
Anonymous commented
get rid of ads or I am leaving aol
Stop spam!! commented
stop spam 😤
George commented
Every time, that I open a new email, you populate it, with AOL. I AM LOOKING TO MOVE, BECAUSE OF THAT LINE.
Anonymous commented
not an "add" platform...
vbjk commented
I would just like to see my emails and not
have to constantly click out of pop up ads
Anonymous commented
Hate newest AOL
Phil commented
the technology exists to cross reference logins across the internet and if a login is from a paying account then ads should be
removed -
Anonymous commented