quit with the liberal talking points I JUST NEED MY EMAIL

Elaine Foster commented
can I please have my regular email back I do not like this
judy commented
dont change without asking my permission
Anonymous commented
I don't want to open and see news just my email. if I want news I'll watch on tv and I don't watch any of it anyway. it's all trash and I'm not interested.
Anonymous commented
Wow. Reading all the comments and finding that my distaste for AOL content is felt by so many others. Email only please..leave off opinions cloaked as news or allow opt out of such. Thanks
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Bruce commented
oh so please tell me Bernie fans what has he done???
Anonymous commented
shut up tRumpturd
brooky commented
LOL! A Trumptard whining...that's new...NOT
Anonymous commented
horrible...tske it diwn or I'm gone
Anonymous commented
open to email not fake and biased news.
Anonymous commented
old format back
sue commented
open to inbox not news
Anonymous commented
I want my old email format back
Anonymous commented
I agree! Stop with the liberal perspective all the time! I've had enough!
Anonymous commented
it agree. stop with the liberal BS
Anonymous commented
this new format is awful! can't find anything! Go back to old format, much easier to use!!!!!!
Jose Suarez commented
I don't like the selective "news" AOL publishes. Stop being a sheep dividing this country. I only want my email. If I cannot have that option, I will end my AOL subscription.
Anonymous commented
I don't want any political content, regardless of the party.
Anonymous commented
Stop the liberal communication. One-sided. Makes me angry.