I want the option of the old email format. Stop changing things. The reason I've stayed with AOL is because I want what I'm used to.

Anonymous commented
please put my email back to the old format. I am unable to get my emails because of this new format that I'm being subjected to.
Anonymous commented
I want the old format
Anonymous commented
please stop all ads coming to my account
vilain commented
I don't like the new firmat
Anonymous commented
new format is Horrible!!!!
Anonymous commented
I liked the old one better to much extra
Anonymous commented
Please do not make these terrible changes. I have a gmail address which I will now reconsider using. If it's not broken please don't try to fix it.
Anonymous commented
want option for original email pattern
Anonymous commented
fix your latest / in not ,-- Bye -- , Hello G- Mailb!
mom commented
Hate your slanted news feeds. Hate that the app opens on this garbage. just want to use the email without being subjected to this nonsense.
Anonymous commented
I'm not able to access email attachments. It goes to files and its not what I want. After contacting AOL I was told to pay $30.00 a month for technical services. Every time I called I was told the same narrative. I believe that AOL has been infiltrated by scammers. How does an upgrade turn into an email disaster affecting so many people. I'am calling for a formal investigation regarding this matter. Please respond with specific answers and not a generalized statement.
Anonymous commented
I dislike the new format. Go back to the old format which is easier to navigate. Please.
Anonymous commented
yes, back to the old format
ce commented
I hate new email format, should gave been given option to remain as it was
Anonymous commented
Yes I agree I like the old format that's what I am used to
James Gray commented
The new app is shite does not let you delete your read emails or spam . I have been with AOL since the beginning of time but I am afraid your update is pants .
Anonymous commented
previous comment was lost! Over 20 year customer, now looking for option. Not finding daily bank statements. Why am I still paying for this? Please restore to the old format. THIS SUCKS!!!
Anonymous commented
this SUCKS !!!
Graham commented
I could not agree more. I hate this new format.
Anonymous commented
Please, stop thinking that we are Dumbo people