I want the option of the old email format. Stop changing things. The reason I've stayed with AOL is because I want what I'm used to.

Anonymous commented
I agree
Anonymous commented
I hate the changes! Go back to what it was!
Anonymous commented
New email is terrible!
Anonymous commented
where is my old emails
Stokes commented
old format works for me!
DAVID SMITH commented
yes i agree
Anonymous commented
go back to old layouy
this new one sucks -
Anonymous commented
aside of wanting the old format someone please tell me just how vital being able to put a Star ⭐ next to something is .. answer ? IT AIN'T !!!
Anonymous commented
hate new format
Anonymous commented
don't fix it if it's not broke, really bad format.
Anonymous commented
bring back the old format. if it aint broke, don't fix it!!
Martin Packham commented
don't like new format
Anonymous commented
This is so commercially discussing and a pain **********. One more week and I'm out of here!
Anonymous commented
I want my old format back! This is insane!!! I hate it.
Anonymous commented
new format font is microscopic compared to old format. everything i open my email i have to enlarge it. Ridiculous!!
Anonymous commented
I want the old version back
Anonymous commented
New format sucks!
Lomei Leung commented
I want inbox to display as a default when AOL is opened, not news etc which uses up my mobile data.
Pauline Matijosaitis commented
go back to old format dont like this new format, stop changing ,we do not want new one ,how do we get our old one back
Anonymous commented