I want the option of the old email format. Stop changing things. The reason I've stayed with AOL is because I want what I'm used to.

Anonymous commented
Die bisherige Form der Email-Übersicht wesentlich besser als das, was jetzt von AOL geändert wurde. Auf einem Tablet ist das Querformat besser zu händeln, als diese neue Form
Anonymous commented
I want things back like they were. This new format is lousy.
Gill commented
Bring back the old email format, this is horrible in every way
Gail Caputo commented
liked the old format. this is too busy.
Anonymous commented
bring back the old email
Anonymous commented
Really hate this new format.
Anonymous commented
I agree with this comment, this format is awful. Almost wonder if you are trying to make us leave.
Anonymous commented
I agree
Anonymous commented
what happened to the old AOL? what did you do with my old folders? the reason I've stayed with AOL all these years is because I like the way you had it set up. If you change it to this permanently and don't give me an option to go back the way it was I may have to look for a different source of email. This stinks.
Anonymous commented
Quite a few of my folders disappeared. I should have been able to get them back.
anonimous commented
some of my folders disappeared. I HATE your new format. If I would want something different let me decide.
Anonymous commented
Where is old mail and ability to access spam and all the other stuff. This is why I kept aol and not switch to another mode.
Antoinette Pressimone commented
Please give us back the old email format. Hate it. I, also, lost some of my folders.
Anonymous commented
I want the option of the old format
Nancy Moore commented
where is my aol?
Anonymous commented
What happened to all of my folders? I have half of the folders I've been using for years - and here I thought I was the last person to use AOL - might be now!
Bella commented
Absolutely detest the new format. Even when I change the settings to get rid of the extra junk, I hate that I can't see the entire sender without being abbreviated. Then when you open the email, there is too much stuff besides the email message. Come on, after all this time you change everything?🤬😡
Anonymous commented
I hate your new email format. change back or I will go to yahoo.
Anonymous commented
go back to old format. I have lost several folders with important information. with these changes I will have to start looking at other email services
Anonymous commented
Seriously........ I have been a LONG TIME aol user, simply because I know where to find what I want, how to get to where I need, the layout, my folders EVERYTHING was.... "WAS" where it was supposed to be! Now I can't find anything. I don't like change that I didn't ask for. please put m account & layout the way it was. I pay for what I want & this isn't it!