I suggest you get rid of the left wing liberal propaganda BS and give us the email service we sign up for.
Stop the liberal left-wing BS!
lzyi commented
Kudos. Exactly
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Most of it is just misinformation. I don't buy any of it, and my distrust is certainly not going to go away as I see yet another story every day, twisted and turned upside down for propaganda reasons. It just annoys the **** of me.
At this point all you can hope for is that people will lose interest. forget all the shenanigans and Biased, dishonest news coverage does not help your cause anymore.
Remember that usually there's only one idiot per village, everyone else will just turn their backs on you... -
D.L. commented
Please. The fact that you think AOL News is actual news says it all. It's nothing more than Trump/ Kardashian reality TV star nonsense. Get rid of ALL your so called "NEWS" AOL. It's pathetic.
Anonymous commented
quit posting things about vaccines and natural immunity that aren't true
Normal citizen commented
Hahaha I literally just posted this as well! AOL is old old old and dying, joining the socialist won't save them.
Anonymous commented
AOL IS China. They must heed their masters.
Anonymous commented
AOL news is biased completely. Get real news from Newsmax.
Anonymous commented
stop the left wing BS.
peedoff commented
well said..
Anonymous commented
I so Agree!