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223 results found
post the articles you show. I have clicked "READ MORE" several times and there is no article.
You show a list of articles. Then you make ys click READ MORE, but there us no article.
485th ranked -
I am having a hard time reading the news the last couple of days. Have a "read full story " button that doesn't open.
no access to news stories the last few days
485th ranked -
485th ranked
Make the button that says Read the full story actually work instead of going nowhere. I have hit it as many as 18 times!
let me read the story!!!!!
485th ranked -
235th ranked
stop blocking news articles on PAID accounts
I click on a headline yet cannot view the story. I pay for my service. I don't think I should have news stories blocked.
485th ranked -
Une option pour ne pas voir les infos
Évitez que, dès qu'on ouvre l'application, on tombe sur les infos. À la place, proposer que l'écran d'accueil soit les mails.
235th ranked -
I live in Europe! Why do you give me a pointless USA news feed as if it is the only place on earth?
Obvious in description!
235th ranked -
163rd ranked
I don't want to receive CNN news. It's just a distortion news.
Every article comes with personal opinion. Politica is manipulating people.
64th ranked -
235th ranked
Perhaps the top national news story is the destruction of Jasper, AB by way of a forest fire.This feeds lead stories have no mention of it
National story are missing
235th ranked -
quit being so dang one sided. I want the news. Not stories taken out of context. Every story on here if left sided, it's terrible
way too far left sided. its terrible. I want the news not a made up version of what is happening.
235th ranked -
you should have the ability to block certain news channels on the feeds on your site like Fox News that should be able to block it if I want
you should be able to personalize your news feeds and inbox no one's going to upgrade AOL it's outdated you'll deal with the stupid advertisers that you put on there like everybody else does to try to make money how about the outside of the box get rid of the ads all together and find a way to make money through something else that's the problem with technology streaming services they're all free and everybody wants to charge you to watch everything add free which really stinks
485th ranked -
485th ranked
235th ranked
My page doesn't reflect my interests or beliefs. Your news sources are trash. Try a little AP, Reuters, AFP
There should be a way to down vote news stories. You show too many things that don't interest me. My page is cluttered with junk that's not newsworthy, and the sources for news that you choose to show are not unbiased, and fall well below the bar of reliability. The news should be from upstanding sources like AP, Reuters, UPI ... not trash infotainment " news" sources.
235th ranked -
235th ranked
235th ranked
235th ranked
- Don't see your idea?