AOL App For Android
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1421 results found
487th ranked
487th ranked
238th ranked
Creen la posibilidad de aplicar acciones a todos los email de un mismo remitente, entonces se podría borrar o cambiar de carpeta masivamente
selección de remitente y acción sobre todos los email de ese remitente. Creando la posibilidad de eliminar sin tener que seleccionar entre otros remitentes, o posibilitando la migración de todos los emails de una misma persona a una nueva carpeta, llevando los mensajes recibidos y los futuros, por ejemplo a esa nueva carpeta. En mi caso, quiero poder eliminar Miles de mensajes de un mismo remitente y tengo que estar buscando, es agotador.
238th ranked -
Go direct to emails, not via entertainment sports etc. Show way to get to contacts when I go to write, and jumping around while I type.
Go back to original set up. Fix it. Too many ads.
487th ranked -
make news sources optional so I don't have to be subjected to the lies of right-wing media.
Other news sources give me the option to remove any news source that isn't actual journalism. AOL is already the most antiquated email system. This isn't helping your case.
487th ranked -
go back to make it possible to always open in mail. you/it defaults opening in your ridiculous woke news feed... I'll never use aol as a ne
default to mail not woke news *.. I only use this * app because I have Verizon internet
487th ranked -
Why the fungu did you remove the comment sections of the late 90s and early 2000s? They weren't broken so why did you "fix" it?
Why did you take away the comment sections of the late 90s and early 2000s? Lesson here, "If it's not broken, why fix it?
487th ranked -
487th ranked
487th ranked
487th ranked
Go back to previous format. I can't access my emails as AOL screen keeps freezing. I need to restart phone to gain access every time.
AOL screen keeps freezing. I restart my phone to access it. When I've gone through and deleted an number of my Emails at the same time it freezes in the middle and the new percentage icon buffers and freezes then the whole AOL screen goes darker and freezes and I can't access it at all. AOL please go back to the previous format as this new one doesn't work and is nit fit for purpose. It is putting me off AOL completely, I have been with AOL for over 20 years and never experienced such a useless service. Considering going…
487th ranked -
Keep It basic, i don't need tabs for shopping and the news and all the extra junk cluttering the screen. i want email ONLY.
no addition garbage cluttering the app
487th ranked -
I can not stand your new page and set up. Please tell me how I can change back. or would you make it an option to keep the old versus chang
I hate your new screen. Make it go back to the old way. There was nothing wrong with the old way. I want a choice in this!!! i I can't even submit this complaint form.
487th ranked -
487th ranked
more safety features. my account had been compromised. I can folder any email. and they're being erased.
your system is supposed to secure. private! how can you have the conscience to ask users for ideas on how to protect their emails. help me that!?
1418th ranked -
go back - this is awkward & messy & not clean & direct
does not work- may finally switch to gmail
487th ranked -
487th ranked
487th ranked
Stop having ads on the first line of my email. They are bugging the **** out of me. Thinking of going back to Samsung mail
It's self explanatory you idiots
487th ranked
- Don't see your idea?