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AOL App for iOS

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303 results found

  1. Has AOL been Hacked?

    Seems like a lot of issues here in the last two weeks! Has AOL been Hacked?

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    Thank you for submitting your feedback. Unfortunately, we are not sure what your comments were about and are unable to properly action your feedback. Could you please provide a bit more detail for us on what you’re commenting on? Thank you so much, and have a great day!

  2. Auto-add contacts

    Is there a way to turn off the feature that adds email to my contacts? That would be nice because I have a lot of spam emails in my contacts.

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Thank you for submitting your feedback. Unfortunately, we are not sure what your comments were about and are unable to properly action your feedback. Could you please provide a bit more detail for us on what you’re commenting on? Thank you so much, and have a great day!

  4. It’s automatically quit

    Automatically application is quitting... can you improve its stability...

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    I have a couple of troubleshooting steps for you that should resolve this issue:

    1. If you’re signed in, tap the Settings icon, tap Manage Accounts, then tap Edit, tap Remove
    2. Restart your mobile device
    3. Uninstall and reinstall the app with the latest version
    4. Lastly, switch the internet connection from WiFi to mobile data

  5. Calendar

    How do I access the calendar link? I do not see the option.

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Thank you for submitting your feedback. Unfortunately, we are not sure what your comments were about and are unable to properly action your feedback. Could you please provide a bit more detail for us on what you’re commenting on? Thank you so much, and have a great day!

  8. Mark as read button

    Select as many emails or all emails and mark them as read instead of having to read every single one.

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    In order to help you with this issue, please select the emails and after that tap the opened envelope icon.

  9. Having issues

    Having issues with my aol email account.


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    You can find the list of contact and see available options for your account on

    If you prefer to speak directly to a Customer Care Representative, to get real-time answers to your questions, please call AOL Customer Support at 1-800-827-6364 Monday – Friday (8 AM – 1 AM ET,) and Saturday (8 AM – 10 PM ET.)

  10. Forwarding

    Is there an option to forward all emails to a new aol account trying to get off my parents account

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  11. Emails bouncing

    The country club I belong to sends daily and weekly emails which I am still not receiving. On their end it prompts that each email sent to me bounces. Is there a setting I can change so I can start receiving these emails??

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  12. Spam

    I accidently sent something very important to spam and I need it back in my reg mail box. Please help

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  13. My account was hacked. can get help with on this

    They have me in some Verizon media group and a group call Nelson group I don't know or have anything to do with either one of those groups

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    You can find the list of contact and see available options for your account on

    If you prefer to speak directly to a Customer Care Representative, to get real-time answers to your questions, please call AOL Customer Support at 1-800-827-6364 Monday – Friday (8 AM – 1 AM ET,) and Saturday (8 AM – 10 PM ET.)

  14. who is controlling AOL? Not my computer!!!

    can't get to aol account. Will stop paying for this confusion!

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Sorry to hear you’re having account issues. You can find the list of contact and see available options for your account on

    If you prefer to speak directly to a Customer Care Representative, to get real-time answers to your questions, please call AOL Customer Support at 1-800-827-6364 Monday – Friday (8 AM – 1 AM ET,) and Saturday (8 AM – 10 PM ET.)

  15. Publish how to delete an email account - or make it possible

    I have two email accounts under my main AOL account. I want to delete one of them but am unable to find how. Thank you.

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Thank you for submitting your feedback. Unfortunately, we are not sure what your comments were about and are unable to properly action your feedback. Could you please provide a bit more detail for us on what you’re commenting on? Thank you so much, and have a great day!

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Thank you for contacting us. As much as I would like to help you directly, for security concerns, we do not handle billing information through this forum. This article may answer your questions: If you have additional questions, call the AOL Billing Team at 1-800-827-6364.

  18. i was charged 1.00 for paying you 4.99 fee for aol Why/,

    why was I charged 1.00 for paying my fee of 4.99. Why?

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Thank you for contacting us. As much as I would like to help you directly, for security concerns, we do not handle billing information through this forum. This article may answer your questions: If you have additional questions, call the AOL Billing Team at 1-800-827-6364.

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    I have a couple of troubleshooting steps for you that should resolve this issue:
    1. Clear the app’s cache
    2. If you’re signed in, tap the Settings icon, tap Manage Accounts, then tap Edit, tap Remove
    3. Restart your mobile device
    4. Lastly, switch the internet connection from WiFi to mobile data. -BR

  20. Domain name changed

    Would you please change my default email address from:

    They both work but any new or replied to email it defaults to the I know how to change it in the “from” field in an email message but I forget several times before tapping “send”. So I thought one of your administrators could make that default “”.

    May Blessings fall on you, your family and company,


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