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225 results found

  1. Allow for diversity of ideas would be a start,you cancelled me.

    Why are you even asking? Aol won't let me comment on articles,why is that and how can I reverse this?

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  2. Switch or alter email address

    Having the capability to alter/ change the email address, would be a useful option.

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  3. Why have I been blocked from commenting on any article FOREVER???

    Why have I been blocked from commenting on any article FOREVER???

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  5. By stop being the mouthpiece for liberals

    AOL is obviously biased against anybody and any idea that doesn't agree with the Left.

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  6. Why are my comments being blocked when I didn't post anything to warrant it?

    My account is being blocked from posting and I didn't have any posts blocked. What gives?

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  7. Please review my comments. I never denigrated a political party in particular. People are mad at me for being reasonable.

    I didn't denigrate a political party other than, indirectly, the party we defeated in WWII. Read the words. I am so unworthy of any punishment.

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  8. Give actual unbiased news and not a left leaning agenda

    If you are going to give one side of a story, do the research and give the other side. Most of the news I see posted by AOL support the democratic party agenda. That is not the American way! There are two sides to every story so let us see that.

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  9. I've sent feedback on several occasions, and yet to get even a "thank you" reply. Maybe this time??

    I read your news stories. Just about every one allows comments. that's great.

    Comments also have a "thumb-up" and a "thumb-down" and a "neither do-nothing".

    The third option is easy. Do nothing.

    A "thumb-up" usually means the reader likes what is being said, and instead of adding their own similar comments, gives a "thumb-up", which to most folks signifies agreement with what was written. Cool.

    A "thumb-down". What does that mean? Does the reader disagree with what's written? Is the reader having a bad day, and just being a grunch? Does the reader have a better idea? Hard to tell…

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  10. Set preferences for front page

    AOL is obviously extremely liberal (not in a good way) judging by the postings on the AOL opening page. I think it would be great if there was a way to select preferences, "hide" articles that are not of interest, or even express interest in certain topics or articles.

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  11. Do Some Honest Legal Research

    You published an article about Kamala Harris and her eligibility to be Vice President, and you published a false conclusion of law. You did this because you only read Half of the Law. Yes being born on U.S. soil is consistent with being born a Citizen, but you left out the 2nd criteria to complete the process, ie, "subject to the Jurisdiction thereof''. To be born subject to the Jurisdiction of the Laws of the United States, and that means ALL LAWS, both parents must be citizens at the moment of birth, THAT is the LAW. Read the actual text…

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  12. Accountability from AOL

    AOC is a complete clown and should go back to "BARTENDING" as she does not know a (Damm) thing about economy and her plans for a ( (Green New DEAL) and let us not forget she cost New York over 25,000 Jobs.Nice doing clown.!!!

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  14. If you must force us to look at your ads to use AOL, you should use balanced ads rather than bombard us with 100% Liberal ***

    If you must force us to look at your ads to use AOL, you should use balanced ads rather than bombard us with 100% Liberal ***

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  15. get rid of the shark ad-its a total scam and rip off ..all you get is a plastic mini toy

    the shark ad is a scam as is the mini dog dont get what is adveritised and people are getting ripped off

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  16. whats AOL dose not like the word *******?

    unless a post gets real dirty, leave it alone. Thanks

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  19. Stand out, dare to be different.

    Less sophomoric stories. Try something different to differentiate yourself. Someplace mature adults can go to. They are a big demographic and may improve revenue stream. Hyperbole is not
    always the best way to get thinking people to respond. If people don't
    get what they want, they will go somewhere else and you end up
    wondering why. Thank you for your time.

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  20. Find an article from 9/11 2001

    I am looking for an article posted on the aol homepage back in september 2001. An article about my fiancé who was stationed NYC for 9/11. The header was something like "Staff Sargent Santiago Standing Guard at Grand Central station." Please help me locate this article it would mean the world to us. the article had a photo of him on the aol homepage some time between the 9/12/01 - 9/15/01

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