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  2. Portuguese language

    I would like AOL to have the Portuguese language

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  3. fire the people monitoring these post

    i wrote i agree with the President and you guys blocked my post but some one can post that the President is a drama queen and you'll let this go ? Anti American AOL

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  4. ***


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  5. President Trump chat forum needs to be live monitored

    The chat forum about President Trump that is available on most "politics" stories, needs to be live monitored. You have people that are constantly flooding the forum with large posts, and or data dumps that freeze the page and sometimes others computers. These people need to be banned as they are abusive and not adding the the discussion. They are like antifa just rioting and burning down the forum with their actions.

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  6. bad move

    "The white St. Louis couple charged for waving guns during a Black Lives Matter protest outside their home in June made their first court appearance Monday on felony charges."
    Why was it necessary to mention that the couple was "white"? What does this matter in this instance? Bad race baiting for AOL.

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  7. i think you need to STOP CENSORING PEOPLE

    i have paid for aol for 20+ years, paid $$ every month. now we are treated like 10 year olds and have 'mom' telling us how to talk. you want to spot foul language, fine, but do NOT say we can not say the proper word for something because boo-hoo, you don't like the thought. and now i can not write anything at all because you have blocked me 'too many times' who gives a **** (oh, bad word) if you blocked me? i pay for this stinking service and i better get unblocked pretty **** quick or i will…

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  9. Your stories

    You list who is married to who. With Cindy Laper. But you never get to her story. It is the last one. Can not spend 45 minutes waiting for things to load to see the one you clicked on for. My high speed is no better than the old phone line. After 3 clicks. we just do not care anymore. Don

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  10. pack up ,sell the furniture, fire all the deceptive cub reporters

    pack up the furniture, sell the equipment, fire all the cub reporters, lock the doors and S. L. A.

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  11. Olivia de Havilland has passed away and AOL doesn't allow a post of a RIP or her movie carreer was on that was unmatched or anything nice.

    Olivia de Havilland has passed away and AOL doesn't allow a post of a RIP or her movie carreer was on that was unmatched or anything nice.

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  12. Be kind to the other 50% of the American population that is of course not counting all the illegal aliens here

    Maybe we should go back to pre 1970 where there were Democrats and Republicans and it was acceptable to be in either party. There is definitely and animosity to about 50% of the American population. We are good people and try to live our lives without causing other people problems. We never know what some bad decisions will cause 360 million people that are very radical and truly not a very pleasant way to live our lives..

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  15. Erin Donnally writer needs fired or Aol needs her articles corrected

    What are you writing ....who tells you to write on topics. first that indian actress is not the Worlds Most beautiful woman.

    there are ton of women who are. Traci Kochendorfer, Julia Roberts, Viola Davis etc.. American women too. some of them have had to self quarantine. do you care?

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  16. Take the Swastika Necklace Off of AOL's Home Page (July 10, 2020 10:45). This is not "news" it is an anti-Semitic symbol of genocide.

    As of 10:45 July 10, 2020, AOL has posted a photo of a Swastika necklace on its home page, which looks like an ad for the necklace but is actually supposedly "news" (in one sentence) about the fact that social media is in an uproar over the sale of this necklace. AOL is promoting anti-Semitism by posting this on your home page. This is not a "news story". What employee of AOL was so clueless-- or so anti-Semitic-- that they posted this symbol on its home page? The fact that social media was outraged is exactly why AOL should not…

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  17. AOL does not listen


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  18. AOL , along with the rest of the media, give no voice to those who oppose the govermnments response to the coronovirus.

    Provide a site, and cover news regarding the many American citizens who oppose the governments response to coronovirus. There is no voice to express the fact that we do not believe the media, there is no science behind the random lock down and social distancing measures- it depends on who you are (black lives matter protestors vs people who want to go to a political rally or the beach... Shutting down small business owners while allowing Walmart to remain open... The coverage of covid is totally skewed ex. number of deaths,critical cases vs vague number of testing positive. It is…

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  20. ItGet rid of the gross plastic surgery ad with the sagging flesh. 's seriously making me consider giving up aol.

    Get rid of the gross plastic surgery ad with the sagging flesh. I understand the need for ads but this ad is AWFUL and it has been displayed for way too many times now. I'm not going to spend any money on the product, so please serve up something a little less stomach-turning. I'm seriously thinking that after 24 years it might be time for me to move to another email service provider. Petty, yes. But it's a negative hit every single time I engage with email here.

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