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  1. FIX IT!

    YOUR SOFTWARE ****! The lastest is trying to use "insert a hyperlink." Nothing pastes to the box and it pastes (as a bunch of characters and not as a link) to the email whenever it feels like it. TERRIBLE, AWFUL, AMATUER SOFTWARE.

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Go to, click on Options and go to Mail Settings.

    In the left panel click on Compose and check the Use Rich Text / HTML Editing box.

    If the issue persists, email us at

  2. On the weather you report it in Cenigrade, I believe we use Fahrenheit. Why are you so stupid?

    On the weather you report it in Cenigrade, I believe we use Fahrenheit. Why are you so stupid? Never in my life have I seen such an incompetent bunch of idiots as you at AOL. Since Oath took over too much has gone downhill. It is only getting worse, not better.
    AOL should be paying us and not the other way around.

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Please access weather report on and under the search bar, you should have two option: F and C. Select F which is from Fahrenheit.

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    In order to review the TOS and Privacy Policy, please temporarily disable any ad-blocker you have installed on your browser and then try to go to and Agree to the new TOS.

    You can also try on a different browser or on a private/ incognito session. Once you are logged into your email, you can enable your ad-block again

  4. Header Coulmns

    I am having difficulty adjusting the header columns spaces be it on unified or new/old style inbox using chrome and edge. Also can you please change the color from red to black of the mail number indicator on the folder window pane. Looking forward for your prompt response on this matter. Thank you.

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    The only header you can modify is the “From” column. To change the color of the mail indicator, you can change your theme. Here’s how: Options → Mail Themes

  5. Stop profane and racial slurs in the game chat rooms.

    The games are great. However the chat rooms are excessively profane and full of racial slurs Please give warnings to those offending. Especially Just words and Hearts.

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    4 comments  ·  Games  ·  Admin →
    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    If you are having an issue within a game chat, please review the following guidelines:

    1. Ignore them. People feed off of your reaction. If we ignore them they won’t get the rush they need and they’ll go away.

    2. Use the Flag feature in chat. Hover over the right of the comment where the 3 dots in a line are, then click the flag and submit the report.

  6. AOL/Verizon Mail —

    I use AOL/Verizon e-mail. To receive my mail I use Outlook (Mac) for my desktop email client. My setting is to NOT leave a copy of my mail on the server. Up until this week that worked fine.

    Now rather then follow the instruction the AOL server leaves a copy in the trash. This is unacceptable because, if I got into my I-phone mail or my iPad mail all the trash items download into my email application. This uses up my data plan and causes a lot of extra work to delete the trash items that total in the hundreds…

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Check the Incoming mail server settings in your email application, and make sure they match the IMAP/POP settings in the section titled “Update server settings” from the following help article:

    The incoming and outgoing mail servers require SSL enabled for all ports, and also the username field in the account setup, needs to contain your full email address, including at the end.

    In case your server settings are correct, open the link below (and sign in if necessary), and make sure the option “Allow apps that use less secure sign-in” is turned ON.

    After this turning ON this option, check if your mail application is able to connect. If the problem persists, verify if the “Two-step verification” option on the Account Security page (the URL above) is turned ON or OFF.

    In case this feature is turned ON, you will have to create a…

  7. For 3 days i have not been able to click on the revolving news

    the news in the box ,that revolves up tp 60 storys, cannot be accessed by clicking on them

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    7 comments  ·  News  ·  Admin →

    Fix aol games. We have been asking for way over a year now and nothing gets done. Some cant get on the games to play and others dont have chat. So many people are going to other game sites. Just fix this like it was before. NOW

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    11 comments  ·  Games  ·  Admin →
    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Thanks for reaching out about your experience with Games on

    If you’re having trouble with an online game, there are a few easy fixes that could solve the problem. Try the solutions below in the order they’re given. If the first solution doesn’t fix the problem, try the next one.

    1. Upgrade your browser
    Our games run best on the latest browser technology
    Upgrade Firefox:
    Upgrade Chrome:
    Upgrade Safari:

    2. Install the latest version of Adobe Flash:

    3. Open Games on on another browser
    Try opening it on Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. If it works in another browser, continue to use that browser to play the game.

    4. Clear your browser cache
    If you’re using Internet Explorer, you can also try to increase the cache size.

    5. Install Java:

    6. Clear your Java cache:
    How to clear your Java…

  9. Why is AOL the only service that has certificate pop-ups every 2 seconds?

    Why is AOL the only service that has certificate pop-ups every 2 seconds?

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Certificate issues are caused in many cases by the incorrect date/time on your computer or an outdated browser. Please check the date/time on your system, and make sure they are correct. If this is not the case, you will need to update your browser to the latest version or install another browser if there are no updates available for your default one.

  10. I comment on aol news stories, and they wont get posted1

    When I post a comment on an news article, they are only posted for half a second and then disappear, what can be done? AOL told me to contact you, that you could help.

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    489 comments  ·  News  ·  Admin →
    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Images and some comments will be flagged in our system prior to becoming public. Here are some reasons why your comments may be flagged:

    - Language (Examples may include: all caps, inappropriate words, etc.)
    - Suspicious IP
    - Any Image In order to create the best possible experience for everyone, we request that you abide by the AOL Community Guidelines, our core code of conduct, in all of your activities on AOL Services.

    For more information, please view our community guidelines:

  11. Remove Russian trolls from your comment section.

    Remove Russian trolls from your comment section.

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Please follow the instructions below to report a comment:

    1. Sign in.
    2. Hover over the right side of the comment.
    3. Click the drop-down arrow, then choose Report.

    The message is now flagged and hidden for you.

  12. after logging on view option

    When I logon to my aol account, I want to go to my email account. I do not need or want to see the news feed. I just want my email.

    Please consider fixing this.I do not want have to click this and click that to access my mail.

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    You can easily disable the ‘Today on AOL’ news feed by following the steps below:

    - Click the ‘Options’ menu located in the top right corner of the screen
    - Select ‘Mail Settings’
    - In the ‘General’ tab, uncheck the ‘Show me Today on AOL when signing in’ feature

    This will allow you to go directly to your Inbox when signing in to your email account.

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    1 comment  ·  Admin →
    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Often the best, quickest way to fix a problem with sending an email is to simply try sending it again.

    If that doesn’t work and you continue to see “The message was not sent because of an error”, you should verify that the letters “AOL” or “A.O.L.” are not part of your account’s Display Name as this will cause issues with sending mail from your account.

    If you’ve recently recovered a compromised account, be aware that spammers sometimes change an account’s Display Name. It’s worth checking. Here’s how:

    1. Click Options in the upper-right corner of Mail, then select Mail Settings.

    2. In the column on the left, click Compose, then scroll down to the Display Name area in the middle of the page. If the name has AOL or A.O.L. in it, change it to avoid problems sending email from the account.

    3. When you’re done, click…

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    We are unable to replicate your experience with Boredom Therapy constantly loading.

    Please try the following steps:
    - clear cache and cookies from your browser
    - switch between Wi-fi and Mobile Data on your device
    - update the browser you are using to its latest version.

  15. By making sure that the Weather at is correct. For quite some time, the weather foreast for Danvers, MA 01923 has been incorrect.

    Please correct the forecast to show the correct temperatures. It's been showing ridiculous temperatures like, for example, 22 degrees when it's really in the 80s and 90s. For Danvers, MA 01923, the temps have been incorrect for a while now.

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    0 comments  ·  News  ·  Admin →
    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    Sounds like you might have the weather set up to show the temperature in Celsius degrees instead of Fahrenheit degrees. Please go to your weather report and in the top center of the page, you will have two options, click the F option.

  16. Maybe stop trying to suppress conservative ideas and comments ????

    Every time I post on the message boards you guys either kick my computer off the website or you do something to make it SO SLOW WHEN I TYPE something it makes me not want to finish the thought. But I finish it anyway just because you're not going to silence me !!!!! You guys are petty in the ways you try to silence an opposing view. A couple years ago I didn't have this problem and now you guys have weaponized your message boards to make things hard to get an opposing view across !! When I post something…

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    1 comment  ·  News  ·  Admin →
    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    If you continue to be disconnected from the page when posting comments, we suggest clearing your cookies and cache or switch to a different browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

    Some comments may not be posted in the AOL community. Images and some comments will be flagged in our system prior to becoming public.
    Here are some reasons why your comments may be flagged:
    - Language (Examples may include: all caps, inappropriate words, etc.)
    - Suspicious IP
    - Any Image
    In order to create the best possible experience for everyone, we request that you abide by the AOL Community Guidelines, our core code of conduct, in all of your activities on AOL Services. For more information, please view our community guidelines:

    Comments are being sorted by default by “Best”. If you would like to see your comments as soon as they are posted, make sure to select the…

  17. why have you stopped posting readers comments on news articles

    Why can I not read or post comments on news story's any more

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    Responded  ·  Product Support responded

    We’re sorry for the difficulties encountered while trying to participate in the AOL community. The comments section is located at the bottom of the articles under Conversations. You can view all your posts in your Profile under Latest Activity. To view your Profile, click your Name in the comments section, then choose Profile.

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