why have you stopped posting readers comments on news articles
Why can I not read or post comments on news story's any more

We’re sorry for the difficulties encountered while trying to participate in the AOL community. The comments section is located at the bottom of the articles under Conversations. You can view all your posts in your Profile under Latest Activity. To view your Profile, click your Name in the comments section, then choose Profile.
Anonymous commented
Stop blocking people whose statements of truth you do not approve of. It is called 1st Amendment Rights.
Anonymous commented
Why can't I post? ADL
Anonymous commented
Why can't I post? ADL
Anonymous commented
Put the comments section back. Let everyone's voice be heard!
Did AOL remove the comments section because too many people were posting thoughts that are contrary to the far left (not liberal but far left) spin that they put on almost every thing? Before it disappeared completely I know they were "reviewing" and rejecting a lot of comments that didn't jibe with their point of view. -
Stop removing conservatives posts! We have freedom of speech or haven't you heard? no I still cannot comment. I KNOW where the comments are. Been commenting for a long time but since we got so close to the election, you have been censoring people. Stop playing games in telling me where to comment. You know that's not the problem. You are censoring Trump supporters and the whole country knows it.
george commented
Since AOL doesn't allow for comments to articles, my email has been void of thumbs up of my conservative/libertarian views
Walter Lamon commented
Stop hiding the comments section form dissenting participation.
Anonymous commented
AOL, why are you now depriving Americans of their freedom of speech when we most need it???
Anonymous commented
Restore the comment section on articles.
Katherine Kipe commented
At the bottom of ALL article people used to be able to comment on, there's no space for that. No comments, no thumbs up or down. Nothing but all the links like this one to AOL.
Anonymous commented
Allow feedback on all articles.
gordon germuth commented
Did I say something wrong?
Neil commented
I have been a member of AOL for many years. For the past 8 months my comments have been blocked and no one will address exactly why. I defy someone to point to any comment I've made in the past 3 or 4 months (all of which were rejected) and tell me exactly what community standard they violated.
Anonymous commented
No comments section. Time for a new site
Michael Cleveland commented
Bring back the comments. There was at least a little intelligent thought amidst all the garbage and propaganda and it was as interesting to read as the news itself.
Edward49 commented
Will we be able to make comments again. If not we won't be reading the articles.
Anonymous commented
Commenting is a way to share ideas and discuss topics. The civility monitoring has reduced the commenters who tend to ramble on. But enforcement is uneven.
Anonymous commented
Commenting is a way to share ideas and discuss topics. The civility monitoring has reduced the commenters who tend to ramble on. But enforcement is uneven.
F. Gembicki commented
All of a sudden NO MORE Comments, I figured this was comming because I have noticed a serious incline of negative comments in articles towards Democrats.
Now, who says AOL is one sided. -
Anonymous commented
Fix the comments section