why have you stopped posting readers comments on news articles
Why can I not read or post comments on news story's any more

We’re sorry for the difficulties encountered while trying to participate in the AOL community. The comments section is located at the bottom of the articles under Conversations. You can view all your posts in your Profile under Latest Activity. To view your Profile, click your Name in the comments section, then choose Profile.
leticia Caceci commented
You can improve AOL by allowing those of us on the Republican side to post our ideas. You black me out, however, you don't seem to mind taking my $5.99 each month, do you?
Patricia Hanlon commented
Trump may not have shot someone on 5th Avenue , but he has caused TENS OF THOUSABDS of unnecessary deaths by initially doing nothing about the COVID-19 pandemic.
EXPERTS have reported that 36,000 lives would have been saved if Trump acted 1 week sooner -- and 50,000 lives would have been saved if Trump had acted 2 weeks sooner.
Those 10 weeks Trump wasted were a real killer. -
Patricia Hanlon commented
A O L ' s shutting people out of the comment section is the same as what Trump has threatened by claiming he will shut down Twitter.
Patricia Hanlon commented
AOL's handling of the comment section shutting out so many people is very much like Trump's threat to shut down Twitter.
Patricia Hanlon commented
I've posted about being unable to comment on any / every article for 1 … 2 … 3 … 4 … 5 … 6 … 7 days ( and counting ) without any word from AOL about this -- **** ?
Anonymous commented
Such a sad place now. Fall into line or not be posted. Comrad.
Anonymous commented
Allow posts. America has ALWAYS had a two party system--that's what makes freedom work. You guys not get this? Very disturbing.
John commented
Please stop the censorship. It’s incredible. I realize this a liberal platform but you’ve gone way too far. I posted a simple comment about the police possibly violating someone’s rights and it had to be reviewed? There was no profanity or offensive language. I think I may be done with AOL. The political correctness is out of control.
Why do you constantly delete my comments, I can comment Hello and you will delete it? Why
Guess commented
The AOL moderator is biased........ I type I agree with the post above mine and state the lady should be sued and go to jail and it is deleted. The moderator must like and enjoy while agreeing with a racist white lady who strangles her dog while filing a false report with the police about a black man doing nothing. FIRE THIS PERSON!!
Guess commented
Your moderator deletes everything I type. Maybe he/she can find a job at the white house licking dumpy's boots
Guess commented
Every comment I make is removed!!! No matter if I reduce it, change it or omit words. The last one I had the word snowflake and rejected. You moderator is an *** kissing dumpster lover and needs to be fired. I am sure he can get a job at the white house for a dollar an hour licking his boots.
Anonymous commented
"Your comment was rejected as it apparently was not aligned with our Community Guidelines" ---******** AND YOUR GUIDELINES YOU FASCIST POS
Patricia Hanlon commented
AOL's comment section has been down for at least 7 days.
WHY is there no explanation for this ?
Anonymous commented
AOL et al to be broken up by the Trump Administration as an enemy entity
Anonymous commented
You cenor Americans because your part of the
Communist Chinese Silicon Valley
Democrats -
Randy Maccloskey commented
Is the comments section history? Been with aol for long time.
Anonymous commented
Restore the comments section. AOL is as worthless as other news outlets without it.
Patricia Hanlon commented
Your comment section has not been available for A N Y articles on 5 / 22 , 5 / 23 , 5 / 24 & now 5 / 25 -- what's up ?
[Deleted User] commented
do something about your moderators ,, they are very unfair and creepy