why have you stopped posting readers comments on news articles
Why can I not read or post comments on news story's any more

We’re sorry for the difficulties encountered while trying to participate in the AOL community. The comments section is located at the bottom of the articles under Conversations. You can view all your posts in your Profile under Latest Activity. To view your Profile, click your Name in the comments section, then choose Profile.
Darlene Harff commented
post your policy so everyone knows what it is
submit my comment
where is the comment section for the past wks????????
Susan commented
Would be nice if AOL would open up the comments section so we could comment.
Anonymous commented
Return comment section
Anonymous commented
Bring back comment section
Anonymous commented
Every time I click on the box to post a comment the whole comment section goes away. I see this isn't happening to everyone. It's been going on for several days. How about fixing it
Bobbygeo commented
Joe Bidens lack of memory back in 2014 and lack now is disturbing. Do the voters want a U.S. president as old as him and possibly suffering memory failure to run this country ? The long hours would be unhealthy for him. I doubt he would pass a physical to qualify. WAKE up voters you have a long list of people running a lot younger and phyicaly fit to handle the job running this country.
napoloen commented
Why Can't I Post Comments Before 5 PM.....??
It says a bad connection......
something to do with SSL_Mac !? -
Anonymous commented
This article about Trump wanting no dog should have a place for comments, like many other articles do. Why not this one?
Anonymous commented
The 2019 MAKERS Conference … All Dems and women except for Biden. I don't expect you to tell them to be more inclusive or even-handed, but how about at least putting a link so people who disagree can comment?
DEN commented
Comments, please return this feature. AOL just keeps getting worst. From viewing 3 or 4 times/day, I now don't even think of AOL.
DEN commented
Go back to having a comment section.
Anonymous commented
AOL censors comments period. AOL has been censoring them for the last eighteen years. AOL refuses to fix it & always blames the user. AOL needs to be shut down period.
When it comes to 'Comment's' I have no problem posting. But every so often I go back an hour or so later to see who posted anything to my 'comment'. Except you have a problem. I can get to the 3rd page of comment's, if it's a long list of comments, then when I try to advance and go further, there is a circle that spins forever, and I never do get to see that comment or it's attachment(s). AOL, when it was America Online was just fine as it was. Then some ******* had this asinine idiotic idea how to perfect perfection. You just could not leave things as they were. By 'improving' things went downhill, and still go downhill as if on a runaway train w/ no brakes. Just one time I would like to achieve the impossible and read what I typed and it's responses, if any, and w/o any bs from AOL, who still can't figure out which way is up.
I know I just wasted my time, and that AOL will do absolutely nothing to get itself out of the **** it's in. Yes AOL is in ****, and up to your neck, if not higher. -
Deb commented
Comments/postings are not appearing to anyone other than myself/techs; notification on feedback from other posters are not dropping off after "mark as read" has been clicked on, and no postings more recent than July are showing up under "most recent activity." Am not receiving "likes" or "dislikes," indicating that no one else can see them; test with tech showed that my posts can't be read from another screen name either.
Anonymous commented
Bring back the comment section !!
Anonymous commented
I believe my comments are being deleted and content being blocked. I can read stories, but comment posts are totally not available to me.I mostly watch my language and have seen many foul words buried in text. also when thread contains posts prominent to women issues, I find that 90% of replies are extremely misogynist and harmful to women. I also noticed a little green dot next to all my posts, but not to others. AOL is breaching the 1st amendment with this conduct.you may now be owned by a foreign company,or country (Israel)? but you operate in the US, subject to it's laws.
Sharon Bare commented
My profile is gone!!!!
Anonymous commented