I comment on aol news stories, and they wont get posted1
When I post a comment on an news article, they are only posted for half a second and then disappear, what can be done? AOL told me to contact you, that you could help.

Images and some comments will be flagged in our system prior to becoming public. Here are some reasons why your comments may be flagged:
- Language (Examples may include: all caps, inappropriate words, etc.)
- Suspicious IP
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Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Your ideas of "editing comments" are nothing short of stomping freedom of speech. You are also obviously politically biased. Such is NOT Journalism. It's also illegal, and that IS according to professionals in Law, not your guff pals.
Anonymous commented
Your claim that you should censor insults is ludicrous. Many people find the slightest thing insulting. For example if two girls are together and you compliment one, the other is insulted. Using that as a guideline is arbitrary and counterproductive to the free exchange of ideas. I know this new generation has extremely tender feelings but they need to toughen up if they want to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. It's a lot worse anywhere else on this planet. Our founding fathers recognized that a society's members must ALL be allowed to speak their mind. AOL on the other hand has taken it upon themselves to decide who can speak and who can't. Their arrogance is appalling. (You may find this insulting but a point has to be made - I find your censorship insulting as well.). There are extensive insults to our president on your various comment sections and they go uncensored. Yet you have the gall to censor comments that refute these insults. That makes you an accomplice to their insults and to the spread of propaganda. Your actions and censorship are reprehensible. If you are allowed to do it, then the next person will feel free to do it and then after a while nobody will be allowed to speak unless they follow the prescribed party line. Welcome to North Korea and Hitler's Germany. There is a reason our founding fathers insisted on the Bill of Rights. These are necessary for a country's citizens to be able to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Can you imagine what would happen if we didn't have free speech. Trump would have shut you down already. He would have closed down the New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN as the three most egregious bearer of fake news in his opinion (and in my opinion). However, since he understands our rights in this country, and specifically our right to free speech, he continues to allow them to come to his press briefings and even to ask questions. You may want to note that Obama pulled the press passes of anybody that he considered to have made a negative article of him. Didn't you ever wonder why the press always reported sunshine and roses? A lot is coming to light now showing just how corrupt his administration was and you are censoring it from being heard. Do you seriously want this country to become a Marxist country where you aren't allowed to say what you think? That's what you're doing to other people and you should put a stop to it right now. If there is vulgarity, that's one thing, but to just censor thoughts you disagree with or that you find insulting, that's a recipe for disaster. If you continue in this vein, ten years down the road when you realize how wrong you are, you won't be able to be heard because this censorship nonsense will be too entrenched. We are always one generation away from losing all the freedoms we hold dear. This generation coming of age now may very well be the downfall of this country. They are so clueless they don't even understand how important our right to free speech is. It appears many of them work at AOL. I suggest you get some training in for your little censors so they can understand the difference between vulgarity and simply an opposing opinion. You do allow a lot of vulgarity on your site. People just disguise it with *s or other methods. Where are your censors on these comments?
Anonymous commented
Your censorship is not equitable and certainly does not follow the guidelines you have set forth. I don't think it's a coincidence that only conservative voices are being censored. I hope you realize that you are determining that what you think should be said is more important than what somebody else should be allowed to say. The comment in your guidelines about "Freedom of Speech is not Freedom of Reach" is not very accurate. Your dictatorial site is allowing one point of view that you agree with to be heard with a very wide reach while silencing anyone that disagrees with your point of view. Our founding fathers specifically gave us freedom of speech meaning that opposing points of view, no matter how distasteful you find them, should not be censored. That is the only way to have a true discussion. As I was growing up I often heard the saying, "I may disagree with everything you're saying but I'll defend to my death your right to say it." It was most often brought up when we had to let the *** speak. We did it because they had right to be heard. That's what our civil right of free speech is. Our civil rights can't be morally or legally taken away by some twerp sitting at a computer somewhere. That is freedom of speech. It's our god-given right guaranteed by our constitution and trampled on by you. Your sight, as a result does not have freedom of speech at all because you censor people. You have propaganda to support your cause. You will make a lovely dictator. Would you like an introduction to Kim Jong Un? You have a lot in common and could become great friends.
MIKE CROWE commented
If I use the User name's NAME in my post, as in response to their post with which I AGREE, how is that considered abusive language?? His User name is "**." I used it in response as I AGREED WITH HIS POST. Yet you chose to block my post. That's so pathetic. If I agree with somebody, I'm not permitted to use their name?? YOu blocked the post and then blocked me from contributing further posts. I think you need a beer. Lighten up and take a deep breath cuz you're way too sensitive. I type with a smile on my face, not anger.
B Ra commented
Why do you keep declining my comments?
One I wrote Jared
another: Did you read. Don't know if it is true or not. Share with us your the $38 M. Doubt that is true.
Tell me so I can fix this. Inconsistent declines. Feel stalked sometimes. -
I follow guidelines but AOL uses that same excuse to reject my comments. If AOL wasn't so bias maybe everyone could comment, but they only want to hear and see liberal comments. AOL won't allow any improvement
Come on, AOL bias, are you sure?????????
AOL is so bias, Dems can say almost anything and their comment never gets rejected. I follow guidelines and always get rejected. Can't improve AOL when that always happens
RANDY KELLEY commented
Trying to post a strong but “community following” comment that keeps getting rejected. I have NO idea why and the bot doesn’t give a reference for a REAL explanation.
Comment trying to post:
Really?? first, A doctor?? Who doesn’t follow science?? Only 10 days? His comments on a positive test are suspect. Real and contagious? With no and Mild symptoms, how would he know anything from that limited experience? Second, well, I guess any doctor who ignores the obvious science on human gestation evidently might have trouble with infectious diseases. The only thing worse is having a governor who was a planned parenthood escort.Article URL:
https://www.aol.com/article/news/2020/09/25/virginia-governor-wife-test-positive-for-coronavirus/24630488/ -
Anonymous commented
My points were removed and then I received a message that says I CAN post.. it's been weeks, and my points still do not appear. Is this so nobody responds to me? Highly manipulative and anti first amendment. Your site claims ALL voices will be heard. Not so!! I have used AOL since the internet came into being. I am going to rethink any association with your site as you've violated my right to free speech.
Anonymous commented
My points were removed and then I received a message that says I CAN post.. it's been weeks, and my points still do not appear. Is this so nobody responds to me? Highly manipulative and anti first amendment. Your site claims ALL voices will be heard. Not so!! I have used AOL since the internet came into being. I am going to rethink any association with your site as you've violated my right to free speech.
Thomas Baldwin commented
Restore comment and hands off...
Frank Santisario commented
I can only see the most recent 10 responses.
Restore the ability to make a comment on news articles. Not such a big deal. I guess AOL is for Dem comments only.
B Ra commented
Why can we no longer see all comments back to us. During this time of isolation this is the ONE venue where a person can see other people's thoughts and ideas whether you agree with them or not. Yahoo has done a disservice to its customers by taking this away from them.
Since you won't work with your readers to give them the opportunity to give their opinions to your stories, at least give them an option to answer to a poll you can set up. For instance, in regard to the nasty way Kavanaugh was treated, how many feel that could be a huge reason to not go along with the 'demands' of the Democrats.
Anonymous commented
Where is your comment section
badass commented
why r comments shut off?