Restore the ability to comment on articles

Scott Hearty commented
AOL SUCKS! But it is every url, no comments section on any link!
Anonymous commented
Why can I only post comments as a guest even though I'm logged in?
William commented
Whose the ******* that got rid of the comments section? Turn it back on!
Anonymous commented
best part of aol was coments on articles don't stay on rs long sence they disapered
Tom commented
AOL does not want comments because it just exposes their leftist views. Every article is a liberal view point. No one looks to AOL for news. #nocred
Anonymous commented
restore comments
Anonymous commented
For two months whenever i clicked the box to post a comment the whole comments section disappeared. That was finally fixed and for a month or so it's worked okay.
Now, even though I'm logged in to the web site my only option for posting comments is as a guest. It's been a few months but this isn't the first time this has happened.
The first thing they're going to tell me is that it's my problem, not theirs, and to try this, that, or the other. Thing is my computer is set up to do everything they suggest automatically when I shut it down.
With all of the technological wizardry AOL has at their fingertips why are there always these problems?
AOL=Aggravation On Line -
regina brachman commented
Somehow my opportunity to comment on any article has been removed. Please restore. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
just fix this, I used to be able to do this
Steven Altschuler commented
Absolutely, these articles are not even worth reading, if I cannot include my own comments.
Anonymous commented
What happened to the chat room?
km commented
They disabled the comment section, because they don't want people calling them out on their lousy, biased journalism.
Anonymous commented
I am blocked from commenting on any article. My real name comes up which is private instead of my aol name I registered to make comments. I don't believe that anyone can comment or like/dislike my comment under my real name. I don't think this should be happening. is it AOL or has someone hacked into my AOL and blocking me. This has been happening on and off for at least 2 years. Sometimes I can comment and sometimes I can't.
Why arn't you letting me see comments about world events-My call word is ***
Anonymous commented
We have a right to speak out
Anonymous commented
It is the chat room. Thanx for your reply
mushdoctor commented
Stop being so **** racist and give me back my right to post my thoughts on your racist boards AOL
Anonymous commented
Pentagon is respected once again. Good job
Anonymous commented
what happened to my chat room
Freida Gray commented
When I tried to type in my nickname it only allowed 2 letters to post and refused to post any others.
After I typed my comment, the post button wouldn't allow the comment to post.