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225 results found
Fire all your moderators.
Back in 2002, I put up a fake AOL screename called "HangAndreaYates" and one of your Nazi AOL moderators put a TOS warning in my account. I got him on the phone and he was basically an old fashioned idiot and moron who believed that women should not be criticized even if they murder young children. A few years earlier, I got into an argument with another AOL member who attacked me over my belief that O.J. was guilty. The other AOL member was a racist who had a problem with white people. I responded back to him and I…
AOL is Red White and Blue.
AOL is Red White and Blue
Refer to women by their names and titles
Stop referring to Dr. Ford as "Judge Kavanugh's accuser." It is insulting. She has a doctorate and she has a name. It's your titles (not the APs) so you are responsible. Women are sick of it. We are people.
travel submission idea
Hey there,
I had a proposal for what I think would be interesting content for you guys to feature on AOL Travel.
What if your writers (or I would be happy to write) compiled a guide of Florida's best "foodie Instagram-ers" coast by coast.
It would be cool to see a graphic of Florida, labeled with each coasts' nickname, and then link each coast with the best local foodie Instagram accounts to follow for the best eats on that coast. Helpful for locals and tourists alike!My husband and I run the top foodie Instagram account for the Space Coast…
Stop inciting Racism.
Just saw the article about a white man with a gun who threatened black students. Why does race even have to be mentioned? No where in the article does it state that he threatened them because they were black. They just happen to be black and he happened to be white.
Stop misleading links
The link says "state warned of two tropical storms" yet the article says nothing of the sort. Nor does the video.
Where is the AOL News Article Fairness?
Could you try to post some Positive news stories on President Trump to at least fake some semblance of AOL news media fairness?
block braincharm. different content than advertised.
block braincharm
Where are all the INVESIGATIVE STORIES OF THE CLINTON'S AND THE CLINTON FOUNDATION????????????????????????????????????/
Get your reporters working again?? Instead of reading Cards. Why are they not reporting about the Clinton CRIMINAL ACTS!????????????????
keep people off our aol this guy is on my aol inever left him on he gave a telphone number that wasnt in use how do i get him off i had to c
his name isandrea fettpro take him i paying for protect from u and it cant be working if hes not off im canceling
Please get that smug almost-large-as-life photo of Jeff Greene's face off the login page.
I know AOL is left leaning but posting the SMUG almost-large-as-life photo of Jeff Greene's face on the AOL login page is despicable. GIve us a break OK. I hate to login now because that disgusting face jumps out at me.
Less autopsy stories
The Molly Tibbetts murder is so sad to begin with, I do NOT WANT TO READ ABOUT HER AUTOPSY. Give the family some privacy for god sake.
Manafort is found guilty, Cohen admits guilt, a Congressman is indicted, but your top story is a distraction. An anomalous murder case.
You ignore major stories: Manafort found guilty, Cohen admitting guilt, a sitting Congressman arrested. Instead you distract with a story of an anomalous killing by an illegal immigrant. In fact, immigrants to the US commit fewer crimes than the native born. Why are you distracting us???
Who does your proofreading? "Change that's costED $1.75M"
Who does your proofreading? "Change that's costED $1.75M"
AOL loves demo*****...especially when they lose.
Stop getting your panties in a bunch. You lost, again. A participation trophy and cry towel will be shipped to you shortly.
Weird question:
Hi AOL. I actually have a weird question:
On your informational group, "in the know" ... You have a product, mechanics chair lift. Non that ad you have theme music in the background. I'm looking to find out where I can locate that theme music??
Thank you for listening
( John Ski ) -
Check your facts -- the article on Diana 'losing' her title is inaccurate -- She kept Princess of Wales after the divorce.
Check your facts -- the article on Diana 'losing' her title is inaccurate -- She kept Princess of Wales after the divorce.
Olá. Eu tenho uma dúvida.
Olá. Boa tarde. Meu nome é Antônio Augusto Pereira de Oliveira é preciso de sua ajuda.
Foi hospedado um vídeo recentemente pela sua página no Facebook sobre uma máquina que limpa praias. Saberia informar o nome desta máquina?
- Don't see your idea?