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351 results found

  1. Allow the "From" button work to alphabetize emails

    I was always able to keep my emails down to a manageable number because it was easy to delete emails once they are alphabetized. Now the From button does nothing.

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  2. Help needs vamping up

    Key words in the help feature are not linking with other key words in the text. If you can't figure that one out, bite a bullet!

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  3. 105th ranked

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  4. User:*** Has NO AOL-Stationary-Paper??!!!

    Still, has NO-AOL-STATIONARY-PAPER to send out with my E-mails??!!!
    PLZ. do reply and even better FIX for me!!!!!! ***

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  5. Here is an idea. When people are contacting AOL about not being ale to log in make it easy to find an email that does not require logging i

    It is real simple provide a simple to find email address to email AOL about not being able to log in to AOL instead of requiring a person that cant log into AOL to log in to AOL or sit on hold for now at 18 and counting minutes listening to annoying chirpy music and a recorded voice apologizing.

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  6. Service

    Get better service

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  7. Really desperate?

    Why on earth would you run a quote from Howard Dean ? Maybe you need advice on publishing articles that inspire and educate your readers. Do think anyone cares what Dean thinks?

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  8. false advertising

    One of your advertisers is offering a #1000 Wallmart gift card, and I stared filling it out. I quickly decided it was too much personal information so I stopped out before finishing. They wanted credit card, SS number, and other personal data. I NEVER finished the survey, but I have gotten 20 robocalls since them. Your advertiser is violating federal law

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  9. Your favorites search is good, but would be better if the search results where the URL was found in my list.

    Your favorites list search is good, but would be better if the search results indicated where in the URL list my search result was found.

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  10. Restructure censor guidlines


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  11. Switc back to Classic AOL

    Switc back to Classic AOL

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