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4 results found
ad blocks your main headline
Every time I view your homepage I can't see the top headline nor part of the second cause of your google ad. I'm UK based btw in case it's any different.
I report via the ad that it blocks content but doesn't go away :)
1st ranked -
Fullscreen ads
Fullscreen ads which are hidden by scrolling have a too high offset, which leads to it blocking the top news (afaik this is occurs on iPhone XS).. this has been for months
2nd ranked -
Please don't wash-out the headline I am hovering over.
When I'm on the home page and hover over an interesting-looking headline, the headline goes grey and the thumbnail is washed out. To me, this is the opposite of highlighting the article that currently has my interest. Please consider using a different mechanism to "highlight" the item I am hovering over.
8th ranked -
Layout Problem
When i click on "more" link on your navigation panel it showing me list of trending topics. But all topics are not showing properly. Topic name "Apple" is not showing properly.
25th ranked
- Don't see your idea?