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1392 results found
Allow people to post comments supporting the President
Allow us all to enter comments that are truthful, polite, etc and not delete just because they are conservative or support the President of USA. You allow derogatory and profanity, death threats against Trump and you never delete those comments.
650th ranked -
Allow people to post comments supporting the President
Allow us all to enter comments that are truthful, polite, etc and not delete just because they are conservative or support the President of USA. You allow derogatory and profanity, death threats against Trump and you never delete those comments.
813th ranked -
Funny how AOL's highly biased leftist reporting quotes Jake Tapper!
Anyone who's pays attention to mass media knows full well than CNN is a HIGHLY BIASED liberal ***** to everything they report,....And Jake Tapper is the antithesis of a journalist.
Pretty obvious than AOL isn't interested in reporting fact based journalism. AOL is rapidly turning into a indoctrination liberal propaganda outlet! Shame on you!
534th ranked -
4191st ranked
I become angry when almost every day your first piece of news is some horror of Donald Trump. It is disgraceful how biased you are. You never say a positive thing despite all the good work he has done. I'm so sick of it and don't think that people can see right through you. You can't fool all the people all the time. ENOUGH
2341st ranked -
Is this the same pole or poles that had Hillary elected
Pole says that Biden is way ahead. Is this the same pole or poles that had Hillary elected?
2341st ranked -
I have had AOL 25 years and I am done with your FAKE news!!!! DONE!
I have had AOL 25 years and I am done with your FAKE news!!!! DONE!
440th ranked -
Don't send a verification code to the same email address I am attempting to verify. I can't sign in. Duuuuuh?
YOU sent me a verification code to the same email address I need to verify. I can't sign inot the same address that you sent the code to because it is asking for the code. WHat the heck is that mess?
1500th ranked -
4191st ranked
HOW TO ****
************* THE CALLERS THE SENDER ************* CHINA uk Godwin Emefiele Mrs Vanessa Garcia Angel sara2koffi@gmail.comm
I wish to inform you that henceforth everything will be handled by our
associate bank in Europe for the Compensations payment USD $17.5Million.************* THE CALLERS THE SENDER KISS MY *** SUCK AND DRINK MY BLOODY ***** TAKE THE WHOLE MONEY BUY VIAGRA **** YOUR MOTHER FATHER SISRES BRITHERS DAUGHTERS SONS AND YOUR RELATIVESThis latest development is to ensure the safety of the funds because our
associate bank is already aware of the delay of the contract payment, they
have sent us emails which…4191st ranked -
Please stop the bias. It's become absurd.
I'm going to start using a different provider. I know I don't pay (anymore), but my clicks contribute to your income. They won't anymore. Why can't you at least try to pretend you're balanced. Things are bad enough w/o having to read your ill-informed left heavy bias. You should be embarrassed.
813th ranked -
2341st ranked
Why you dont you stop trying to frighten people with the Covid rhetoric?
The CDC recently amended the actual number of deaths from over 150,000 to under 10,000. Why don't you people give it a rest already? Your fear mongering should bring a criminal charge.
2341st ranked -
let conservatives comment
I was signed in and went to comment on Entertainment article but I was told to sign in and when I went to do so again I was told that that page doesn't exist....I believe you are blocking conservative comments....
384th ranked -
2341st ranked
about rejecting my comment
rejection of a comment I made in response to an article about trump's "vote twice" statement is illegal suppression of my right to free speech. there is nothing offensive in the comment; only a legal definition and a personal opinion of one's mentality.
813th ranked -
Quit your censorship of pro Trump ideas
Yesterday a person replied threatening to burn down anyone supporting President Trump. Today I have been banned for saying Pelosi should resign.
813th ranked -
Perhaps start with new management who has been educated enough to understand our present form of government.
Stop with the anti-American rhetoric. Your leftist drivel is not believable and does you a disservice.
2341st ranked -
Save America
While you continue to support liberal views I can only hope that Pilosi's hypocrisy has been an embarrassment. Why do you refuse to promote fair and UNBIASED news to the independent voter?
4191st ranked -
Load in my favorites. !!!!
Wheres my favorites !!!??
1082nd ranked
- Don't see your idea?