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77 results found

  1. Maybe check your articles for the truth before posting them.

    President Trump prepaid his taxes in the year mentioned in this article. What about Joe's kickbacks from HB. You know, the "Big Guy"

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  2. Thoughts on Billionaire Tax

    In lieu ot the "Billionaire tax", we should look at taxing Super Pacs and entertainment. A 50% tax on campaign contributions would not change the ratio of spending that one candidate or issue has over the other but would effectively tax the ultra rich and union contributors for the inconvenience that VIP visits for fund raising events create for the working class. A sales tax on entertainment such as concerts and sporting events would effectively tax all participants, regardless of whether their income was from wages or illegal activities.

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  3. 4191st ranked

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  4. General mainframe Which you did not write or work for

    nobody didn’t write the first messages of mankind On a computer now goodbye

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  5. 4191st ranked

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  6. Get more American customer service reps

    How do I talk to customer rep that is located in America?

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  7. Origem do Corona Vírus.

    A origem do Corona Vírus é o seguinte: A Cristina não pode ser o Xinbódromo. Me disse Javé.

    Por favor, avisa aos Estados Unidos e ao Presidente. Me pediram uma ajuda.

    Muito obrigada.

    Cristina Designer

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  8. Biden is an idiot. Canceling student debt will cause higher taxes for the middle class. And don't say it won't because that's a lie.

    Biden canceling student debt will raise taxes on the middle class. Hopefully, the middle class and women (with the transgender bias that works against women's rights) will see the light and we can vote out the Democrats next year. Then vote out idiot Biden 2 years later. DeSantos can beat Biden easily, couldn't wait to see them debate. Biden will have to use hundreds of "cheat cards" just to answer a question.

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  9. 10540th ranked

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  10. Among your rotating ads at the top of the screen.

    You show adds that proclaim that "you" can save 90% of money on your electric bill without investing in solar panels. I checked out this product, in a word it is a fraud. I will not go into the technology here but, the claim is a total falsehood. Running these ads makes AOL part of a criminal conspiracy.

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  11. 4191st ranked

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  12. 4191st ranked

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  13. more center

    I wish you were more center in your articles then so far left. Sleepy Joe is bombing and you think he is trying to stop a war. How confusing and misleading.

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  14. If you're not going to make it easy/more intuitive to find the Dow/NASDAQ/S&P updates, take the "charting logo" off Finance.

    Read prior comments. This has been a problem for some time and has been reported on multiple occasions....makes me question my loyalty, as an old geezer, to AOL....

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  15. İf you want to be rich... You got to be a b**ch

    First you saw me a hoe,
    Then you asked me so.

    If you want to be my honey,
    Just give a little money.


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  16. Remove Lendgo advertising!

    Are they selling mortgages or ***? Their ads are disgusting! And the people listed as principals do not exist. And they are shown to have 3 employees, come on! Who approved this ad! Do better! Thank you and I expect to see these ads cleaned up or gone!

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  17. Follow up stories until fixed / restarted - the 2nd Stimulus Payment

    The 2nd Stimulus is suppose to be a PAYMENT; not a tax credit on the 2020 Federal Tax Return. This was not stated or approved by Congress for either the first or second stimulus ...
    As of January 29, 2021, (the IRS) Get My Payment will no longer be updated for the first and second Economic Impact Payments. If Get My Payment does not provide a payment date, a payment will not be issued and you may claim the Recovery Rebate Credit, if you’re eligible. You must file a 2020 tax return to claim the credit even if you usually…

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    $3,600 annually /12 months = $300a month /$75 a week!!!!
    Why he is so cheap???Answer! He is YOUR BOSS NOW!

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  19. Reading comments, I see a lot of negative feedback. Only one question....are you listening?

    Report some helpful ideas for investing or saving money on everyday expenses. Help finding useful items that are not part of everyday advertising. Get to work AOL!!

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  20. Giving Americans another covid payment

    Congress doesn't want to give us direct payments this time around. How does it make sense to give businesses and airlines money but not us. If I don't have any money to buy things fm these businesses, how can I buy a plane ticket to go anywhere. Make it make sense please, it's not like there are jobs available. No one is hiring I've been searching for work since Aug after being out of work for a year because I had a baby. No one in Congress cares because they *** getting paid, why give the people that lost their…

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