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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
1455 results found
not an idea, just a note that the ngames are not loading, you have a glitch in Masque Publishing games
Masque Publishing games will not load, glitch in AOL or Masque .. my side is ok
2337th ranked -
2337th ranked
Chat with girls
2337th ranked -
I am not able to have a chat while playing a game, getting an error "can't chat because you have been muted"
I am not able to chat while playing a game
2337th ranked -
You Say You Support the Firefox Browser....
There are a myriad of programming glitches Masque Techs chalk up to users who choose Firefox as their browser and NOT Chrome. You claim to support all major browsers including Firefox and yet I get the same response from Masque I always do: Try using Chrome! That's my choice and will never use Chrome. Fix the glitches you are well aware of while using Firefox or hire people that can program properly.
2337th ranked -
you do not answer the phone and do answer this foremat
answer comments and answer phone
2337th ranked -
If you're going to continue to use Masque for your gambling, you need to get them to put it back the way it was.
Many do not like seeing the chat while they are playing. With their new format, about a third of my screen is just black. Nothing about the changes is appealing, so I will discontinue playing on your site. I played other games when I used the casino, but I won't anymore if you don't put it back the way it was. This is awful.
2337th ranked -
2337th ranked
the games don't load, but the ads stills seem to stream in. Good money maker on AOL's part
We are here to play the games. Not to just watch ads stream in while the game tables don't load
2337th ranked -
aol needs to improve it's the new poker site isn't good and the folks in the lobby chat needs to removed
someone or somebody needs to view the chat in the lobby the fcc would be shocked that that get printed
2337th ranked -
Muting is grossly unfair
The mute button is unfair. Why do you give unilateral authority to one person to prevent the mutual exchange of ideas between me and multiple other persons? Somebody muted me and I am still muted many days after the mute was initiated I dont even know who muted me and I dont even know why I was muted.
2337th ranked -
why can't I no longer play Texas Holdem Poker? Even though you no longer support Adobe Flash, what else is there?
please help me. i've played since 1995.
2337th ranked -
Why has the aol game chat on a few games has changed?
Can't you put it back to the way it was?
2337th ranked -
How can anyone win at hearts when the computer knows what you have?
seriously you need to make this game more realistic, you can't play against anyone without hearing all the things i really don't want to hear so why don't we make this game more realistic.
2337th ranked -
2337th ranked -
Omaha Poker ONline
Your omaha poker loads very slow. perhaps you can reduce the game load like this game >> . Only opinion so i can play better at your site. thanks
2337th ranked -
2337th ranked -
shame on you guys for not fixing the chat in your games. You have lots of users but maybe not anymore.
Fix the **** chat for the last time
2337th ranked -
..Your Backgammon Game just Srewed me over again,...was playin Game with Computer when Message said would Close Game Temporarily for Mainten
...Your Backgammon Game just Screwed me over,GAIN!!!!!...I was playin the Computer when Message came up to say Maintenance in 30 Minutes,...and my Game was FROZEN!!!!!!...could not move til aintenance" was over,...and when came back Online I had LOST 30 Points!!!!!!...WTFRAKK?????....
2337th ranked -
...Your Backgammon Game is CROOKED,...Players with Cheating Devices,...Computer that Cheats,...a Fair Player has NO Chance on this Site to p
..Backgammon Game is Cheaters Oasis,...and Computer Cheats too,...a FAIRn Player has NO Chance on this Site,...and the Foul Language on CHAT makes me wanna slap the **** outta these Players who get away with Cheating Devices,...and Harrassment of other Players...SHAME ON AOL for Supporting such....
2337th ranked
- Don't see your idea?