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2395 results found
**** your website,,,,losers
4187th ranked -
report the news with facts
instead of reporting only bad news about our president. why don't you report all the facts. Like the one trillion dollar package passed by senate which would give every person a thousand dollars every 2 weeks. This factual story is not even on your news page! You guys should be ashamed of yourselves! No wonder no one reads your news coverage!
5th ranked -
Well Connected
Let's see, does that mean the Comey has managed (so far) to avoid prosecution because he's "well connected"? You media walked yourselves right into that one. And kick that reporters backside who asked the President why he calls it the China virus. BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE IT CAME FROM AND TRUMP SUCKERED YOU ALL INTO THAT QUESTION! He plays YOU like a well-tuned violin, and YOU fall for it every time.
1498th ranked -
Adult news [like NPR 30 years ago}, NOT American Pop. Culture drivel...the kids can choke on all that on their 'social media' !
Adult news is good journalism. You and Yahoo present far too much
Bst, American Popular Culture drivel which is EVERYWHERE!
Think NPR of 30 tears ago. Is it any wonder that the Boomers'children
and their children obsess over adding to their ball-cap / skin illustration
collections while working their min. waged jobs! Funny, how the surly,
30 somethings wear the cap but never played the game.4187th ranked -
Please stop including political ads in the slide show and disguising them as viewer polls
Stop disguising political ads in the slide show as viewer polls
126th ranked -
Just get to the point
Don't go way back to the beginning of time on the stories, just get straight to the point in question !!!!
2337th ranked -
Apparently, the CDC is part of the swamp that needs to be drained. Just talking about where a virus originated is NOT racist. But abject stupidity abounds with the democrat leadership currently. The reason the CDC was not ready for this outbreak, is because they were hard at work trying to develop sensitivity training guidelines. The democrats have no issues worth talking about in a time like this. If Trump isn't "stringent" enough the dems scream, if he declared martial law, they would scream. And YOU do/would scream with them.
1498th ranked -
Trump and Recession
We are very fortunate to have a Trump economy, which will recover quickly. I can't imagine what we would be looking at right now if Hillary had been in office. A poor economy and a delayed response to the virus because of fears of being xenophobic or racist and open borders to boot. This is a call to get a majority of our manufacturing OUT of China. They are our enemy!
340th ranked -
too many useless ads!!!!
your ads do not help, they interfere with reading stories and news!
440th ranked -
How many times do I have to sign in to leave a post
Cut the fact that we have to sign in when trying to leave a post
1082nd ranked -
How many times do I have to sign in to leave a post
Cut the fact that we have to sign in when trying to leave a post
812th ranked -
Your news is so biased to the idiot left, it reminds me of the propaganda from China or Russia, where totalitarian regimes rule with an iron fist and nobody dares to question the absolute authority of the leftist regime in power. You do realize that if you just played it fair, you would attract so many new customers and your ad rates would go up and life would be good. But when you push the idiot propaganda, you lose.....
230th ranked -
Whats with this sign it to post a comment, I did that & am still getting these msgs !!
I keep getting msgs. to sign in to post remarks, I did sign in & still get these msgs.!!!!
650th ranked -
have a system that works correctly when showing local news
provide local news to home page every day since we pay for it
1082nd ranked -
Have more real news and less cheap tabloid fodder
Show more real news and less cheap tabloid fodder
383rd ranked
- Don't see your idea?