Why is AOL rejecting posts that do not go against their guidelines?
Either stop rejecting comments people post to news stories or give clear words that are not acceptable.
I never cuss or use profanity, threaten or use hate speech in any way yet l am constantly rejected, I notice if l use words like PC, WOKE or China the post is banned, sometimes l need to use these words depending on the news article.
Either post a list of words AOL will reject so we all know or start living up to the good old American 1st amendment rights of freedom of speech...

LEONARD KERN commented
My post of Bye - Bye
Was rejected
Along with every other post after that... -
Marc Bergeron commented
If every comment you make is being blocked you have been permanently banned and will have to create a new account. Also, stop paying AOL every month. It's been free for over a decade.
Da Woodward commented
AOL has the most ridiculous way of rejecting comments. It must be certain words or phrases, but why is suggesting a person check out their local independent bookstore to buy books offensive?
Norman Carpenter commented
f you are in the middle or lean to the right you'll get alot of " your comment has been approved" because people on the left tries to have your facts removed. funny
This was rejected -
TODD WAITES commented
Elon Musk - PLEASE buy AOL as well!!!!
Bryant Cullen commented
I think I have an auto-reject on AOL. I tried posting "A"....and was rejected in seconds. What?
Blueberry Pie commented
I agree with you, Anton. All of a sudden everyone of my comments is "rejected." I have gone through the guidelines they offer, and I have offended NONE OF THEM!
I agree with you, in that AOL should post a list of words that cannot be used...although sometimes they will accept the same words and other times they won't.
It's all mind-boggling to me. And when I think of some of the stuff they WILL let go through? WOW! -
Robert Unverzagt commented
Why does AOL keep rejecting my comments stating they violate community guidelines, when they don't?
PC Cri commented
She is absolutely correct. You seem to censor those comments which are not in your lexicon because they may be conservative. For example, you seem to ignore a comment about Beto O'Rouke which disagrees with what he believes will happen in the governor's race in Texas.
Yes this incident will definitely shake up the governor’s race but not in favor of Beto O’Rouke His shameless and despicable display of political grandstanding was totally insensitive to the grieving families. He does this supposedly in the name of helping but what is really happening is that he is foraging for votes without the slightest concern for the emotions of those whose children and other loved ones were murdered. The solution is not repealing the Second Amendment but requires a more realistic approach to security in our schools. There is virtually no way to stop evil or insanity other than to find it and prevent it before it festers. Security measures should be taken and money used for the safety of our children and loved ones rather than for Biden's woke political agenda.
Robert Unverzagt commented
For 9 weeks AOLO has rejected my comments without any reasonable rationale
Anonymous commented
I've been banned for life from commenting on AOL. WHY?<<<Who knows, because they don't tell you. They just ban EVERY comment that I make....period.
I've Never been rude, lied, or said anything bad. I just have always told the truth.
I'm thinking that I've been banned because I'm a person that believes in The Bible; The Constitution of the United States; and I'm a conservative.<<<3 Things that, apparently, AOL wants to silence. -
Goran Kjellgren commented
AOL's guidelines have nothing to do with the rejection of comments. You can find comments all over the place, that violate their "guidelines": What they clearly don't want, is a substantial discussion, based on facts, where people can have a discussion, based on real opinion, facts, etc, but rather a lowest common denominator shouting match. Post any, uncomfortable facts about, say our involvement in Iraq, and it will get rejected. It's as corrupt as anything in Russia or China.
BURTIN HART commented
I have been a member of AOL since 1991, when it was dial-up. That's 31 years.
Lately, it is clear that far-right elements are protected at the cost of everyone else.
It is clear that my name--not just any comment-is the target of overbearing censorship.
I will admit that I have transgressed against the Community Guidelines on a very few occasions; however, even--for a month now--when I have absolutely complied with the Guidelines, my posts are blocked.
There is no method of redress, and I have called Customer Service several times to complain--only to be told that I need to log my issues on this forum--and being kept on hold by Customer Service for 30 or more minutes, or told--like today--that there is basically no solution but to wait, no method redress, no one I can converse with to unlock my ability to comment, that is simply stifling my voice with no clear reason anyone can or is willing to explain to me.
There is no method by which someone whose name is obviously targeted for absolute censorship can find out exactly which comment(s) led to the censorship, or how to address the issue(s), or any kind of guidance pertaining to how to get a fair hearing about the issues or recision of censorship.
I have reported AOL to the FCC repeatedly because this is a CLEAR violation of my freedom of speech.
I fully intend to provide a transcript of this "idea" to the FCC in a continuation of my complaints against AOL.
AOL: If you are going to act as the sole arbiter of censorship, you MUST provide a documented method of redress for people who are being censored. Anything less is yet another sign of the creeping fascism that threatens everything Americans hold dear. -
Many people claim in their comments that they are blocked because they don't express views that agree with left leaning AOL. But I see plenty of conservative views posted, including some very mean and nasty things.
Then I try to post a response, with even the most tame of messages and get blocked.
R Z commented
[Deleted User] commented
[Deleted User] commented
Yeah, they adhere to that stupid wokeness narratives. Once you re banned, you will be banned for life! It does not matter if your comments praising them, as I tried to find out if it got rejected and sure enough! It was.
ptsa314 commented
The best solution is for all conservatives to drop their membership in aol. It only listens to liberals, so let the liberals support it. I intend to do so.
Ben Bonham commented
Several of my comments have been rejected lately stating they don't align with community guidelines. I review the guidelines but don't see where I am violating them and i don't know who to contact to review where my comment is in violation.
Eric Shane commented
aol rejecte Prayers for all those affected by the war!! Aol is unethical and immoral!