Why is AOL rejecting posts that do not go against their guidelines?
Either stop rejecting comments people post to news stories or give clear words that are not acceptable.
I never cuss or use profanity, threaten or use hate speech in any way yet l am constantly rejected, I notice if l use words like PC, WOKE or China the post is banned, sometimes l need to use these words depending on the news article.
Either post a list of words AOL will reject so we all know or start living up to the good old American 1st amendment rights of freedom of speech...

BURTIN HART commented
Someone commented that Putin should "Take into custody to prevent further bloodshed by the innocent or kill." I asked "And just whose responsibility is that {name not included}."
Somehow, the censor(s) found that a violation of the rules. The RULES seem to be applied capriciously. After a number of such PURPORTED infractions I am blocked from any further postings on the article. How does that support honest, open dialogue, AOL? -
I was sensored for using the term "God bless the people of Ukraine. You could at least let us know what terms you find offensive! ALSO - Your instructions advise commentors to keep to the subject but you never seem to sensor some people who rant on and on with comments that are no where near the subject of the article
GUY DICKHUDT commented
I refer to 'myself' as a "dummy" and my comment is rejected
It has been suggested that a list of 'trigger" words should be posted.
A very good idea.
Somehow - I have come to believe that are no persons reviewing these complaints and observations. AOL is content to have us flounder around while they collect advertising dollars -
William Mason commented
They ban Independent's also
Anonymous commented
AOL has also rejected me for life from entering ANY comments. I've NEVER made any kind of offensive or off-color comment and have NEVER violated their TOS.
The ONLY reason that I can assume is that I'm a conservative Christian<<Which The Left HATES.
And, if that isn't the reason, then why??? -
Joshua Hare commented
I'm PO'd as well about ridiculous comment moderation that rejects the most harmless words that clearly are NOT in violation of guidelines.
HOWEVER, crying "free speech suppression" is laughably inaccurate here.
AOL does not owe you publication of your speech. It's their bad platform. They have exactly ZERO obligation to publish your content. You have every right to start your own platform and enforce your own standards of acceptable speech. You do NOT have the right to force another entity to adopt your particular standards of acceptable speech. It's utterly ludicrous to think so."The 1st Amendment is hugely misunderstood. It blocks Congress from making laws that limit free expression. It says nothing about publishers being FORCED to publish your work, in fact, it says nothing about citizen-to-citizen behavior. For any of the rights defined in the Bill of Rights."
Matthew Jones commented
no site allows free speech. none. the amount of comments ive had censored is unreal. its very stressful. these sites are causing stress. why are they allowed? took me ages to post on some sites as they so slow. but when i finally do they arent there. and my pc crashes as well..
George Aycock commented
This is so true. It is annoying and frustrating. I don't use curse words either or really hateful words. I do sometimes say that doing something is crazy, or stupid or idiotic and these get it blocked. Sometimes, even milder words are also blocked. It makes no sense most of the time.
Aol needs to back off a lot and allow free speech to work. -
JAMES FRIEND commented
to all you chump lovers aol don't care who you are they censor a lot of people for no reason. I hate chump and I get censored with every post. aol has a bunch of jerks working there. the do not read the feedback if they did they would fix the problem. all they care about is $$$$$. maybe if every one boycotted them for a month or two they might get there head out. you can't call them or e-maIl them they just don't care as long as the $$$ keeps rolling in
ALBERT KING JR commented
ALBERT KING JR commented
ALBERT KING JR commented
OK WHY !!! DO YOU LIE !!!!!
I have the same problem and no matter what I do it does not fix ANYTHING.... AOL blacklists me as well with NO explaination... AOL stinks!!!!!!
take20pct commented
Just went to post on AOL comment page. Found one posting defending Biden. Did an experiment: posted "Agreed". Guess what, I was rejected, because I am blacklisted by AOL.
Anton Nagengast commented
After reading the comments and other posts about AOL censorship l can see there is no winning here, AOL does not care about free speech
I've noticed that even when l copy and paste a quote from the news article and them just post a one word comment to that quote usually "REALLY?" they reject it.
The quote itself in the news article is rejected if you copy it to the comment section.
Not just news either, sports news and entertainment news comments are being rejected, maybe it's the history of the poster being flagged or banned and not the comment itself.
Then to cover their butts when it comes up as "your comment was rejected." then when you click the "WHY" link it takes you to the "community guideline" section.
This does not tell you anything about why specifically your comment was rejected.
Man op AOL, stop bowing to your Chinese overlords and back our 1st amendment... -
Larry Tobacco commented
I applied for a job here but was denied because I don't live in my parents basement, worked a job and was gainfully employed for 30 years and actually paid taxes my whole life. The killer was when I answered we needed to have closed borders and a regulated immigration system.
JAMES FRIEND commented
JAMES FRIEND commented
because that's trumps new world order, you can't say anything about him, trump lies and aol prints it , what a queer comb trump/AOL both as queer as 3 dollar bills
Bud HARTON commented
why is aol rejecting all my comments/ Am i banned/