Reevaluate your censorship policies
Your censorship has gone overboard. I have been censored for 2 days straight for no reason. Admittedly I have said some things and was censored for it rightly so but now I am being censored for everything regardless of what I say. I have even copied someone else's post and made it my own just to see if it would be censored and it was when the original was accepted.My question is why have I been targeted when others have posted far worse and was accepted?

I have been censored, or shall I say bullied, by the AOL censors for months and months. Today on the Garth Brooks story, I posted "What a great singer." And that was rejected for not meeting "community standards". AOL is discriminating against me and bullying me. Reinstate my account to be able to comment.
SCOTT McCullen commented
I just got a comment rejected, and all I did was to recap reasons for the Great Recession. There was nothing in it that wasn't pulled from the historical reasons for the GR, there was no foul language, no attacks on anyone, there were no snarky comments - just straight history.
sam Connor commented
Same thing happened to me. They have completely rejected me. I had someone threaten me with a gun and yet I get booted off. AOL just plain sucks.