This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
2402 results found
Stop all the liberal ads. I really don't need to see Biden whenever I go to aol. The leftist leanings are very troubling.
I don't appreciate the liberal ads and articles that seem to be a part of aol on a daily basis. Pushing Biden and socialist views is upsetting. If you must share "news" make it neutral.
1082nd ranked -
Don't allow pictures in comments
I think that AOL would be better off if there were no pictures allowed in the comment section. The pic's (gif's, jpeg,etc) are very annoying and many are insulting and nasty but when reported they are only taken down for a few minutes then they're put right back up same as reported comments. I'm a paid AOL subscriber and feel I am being insulted when just anyone can come on AOL (free) and use the comment section to insult, ridicule and threat people and AOL does nothing to stop it even when reported. A good start could be stopping the…
4192nd ranked -
1082nd ranked
4192nd ranked
On the news feed allow me to exclude certain subjects that I never want to see. Also, allow me to delete a story that I don't want to see ag
On the news feed allow me to exclude certain subjects that I never want to see. Also, allow me to delete a news story so I don't see it again when I scroll at a later time. Frustrating that you have 50 to 75 stories and I might be interested in only a dozen or so. It wastes my time.
4192nd ranked -
Why are you blocking my comments? I have NOT violated your community Guidlines
At least post a DISCLAIMER that AOL does NOT support free speech
4192nd ranked -
I am logged in but cannot post comments
I am logged in but cannot post comments. This has happened before what it is. One of the AOL moderators puts you in a timeout, because they don't agree with something you posted. It usually clears up within 24 hours. I will say this to AOL I understand but at least you should have the decency of telling us why we are banned temporarily it's an easy solution just email us tell us what post was so offending that we needed to be taken off for a while.
4192nd ranked -
4192nd ranked
drop the banana and woman ad
anybody watch that woman and the banana ad for bedroom performance... aol into pronography now... it is disgusting
2341st ranked -
Aol App not working properly
When i try to connect into my AOL app on my samsung phone, Android 14, it's just spinning and spinning, the loading never ends. I called customer support and i was in a call for a hour and they could not fix it, they tried to uninstall the app, tried to connect through google chrome but nothing worked. Something needs to be done.
4192nd ranked -
The ads over take articles
I use a laptop with Windows 10pro. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. I am reading an AOL Today article an ad pops up to cover half of the article. I cannot move the ad or close it. Therefore I CANNOT read any article past the first paragraph. That is ridiculous. Do something about this!
4192nd ranked -
Give equal positive & negative news for both Democrats and Republicans. Don't put your bias forward; let people decide for themselves.
It is time that the news be given in a balanced manner, not an opinionated one. Both sides have positives and negatives and both should be pointed out for both parties not just positive for the Democrats and negatives for the Republicans
1500th ranked -
Ever MORE Trump
How about dialing back on the Trump foo foo on your News Strip? You got him ALWAYS near 10 spots ...
2341st ranked -
get rid of the liberal lies, show more conservative views, get fat checkers not bias against conservatives,
get rid of the liberal lies, show more conservative views, get fat checkers not bias against conservatives,
10553rd ranked -
I am logged in but cannot post comments
AOL Mail shows I'm logged in. The top of the news stories say I'm logged in. But when I got to comments, it says to log in at the top of the comments. I can see that other people are commenting, but I can't comment. This has happened before, like whoever is in charge of the comments section is screwing with users, but only some users. Knock it off or fix things. And stop "fixing" things that aren't broken, because when you do that, you only make things worse, aol.
813th ranked -
1500th ranked
This is the WORST 'NEW' FORMAT EVER!! EVERYONE HATES IT! Is anyone reading the feedback? AnyONE at all ???!!
This is the WORST 'NEW' FORMAT EVER!! EVERYONE HATES IT! Is anyone reading the feedback? AnyONE at all ???!!
174th ranked -
My posts are being muted by AOL. not rejected for any reason, but eliminated
My posts on AOL about Project 2025 are being muted, not rejected, but eliminated by someone monitoring the comments. Why?
4192nd ranked -
Please allow me to remove specific news outlets from my newsfeed. Some of them just make me angry.
Please allow me to remove specific news outlets from my newsfeed. Some of them just make me angry.
1082nd ranked -
You added Fox "News" to your feed?? Myriad studies prove Fox is PROPAGANDA, not news. WSJ eg? Fine. But I boycott your feed. Shame on you.
Shame on AOL for including Fox "News" in feed. Boycott!
440th ranked
- Don't see your idea?