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10769 results found

  1. By being unbiased. You are definately democratice. It's to sad that you prevent everyone to say what they think if it is about the democra

    Be equally fair with the republicans. You are so pro dem's, it is sickening and very sad for this country. Its' ok to pay the Dem's to be paid for their speeches, but let a Republican, you criticize a republican for making money, but that ok.

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  2. The AOL application on an Android phone is not working - keeps loading on a black screen.

    After putting the 6 digit code verification the AOL app on an Android phone is loading without any progress - I waited for twenty minutes

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  3. 4190th ranked

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  4. I'm already logged in and your page still says signup to comment.

    Find the issue why page isn't updating to a new button after I'm logged in already when trying to leave a post.

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  5. Problems with your Pinochle

    Someone in your tech dept. really needs to see what's going on. For months now I've been seeing TOO many aces in some of the games. I just finished a game. 3 of us had a run in trump and ALL three of us had 4 aces (in addition to). That makes a total of 6 aces showing. In "double pinochle", there should only be a total of 4 aces per suit.

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  6. Keep Identifying which Articles are Ads and which are Content

    Thank you very much for Identifying Ads as Ads showing which Articles on Content. Keep the Ads put let us decide if we want to view them. Thanks for providing choice.

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  7. AOL thugs are Censuring conservatives

    AOL needs to be investigated by the new DOJ asap for free speech violations!

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  8. New format sucks

    Go back to the old way. The new format sucks.

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  9. The moderators will not let me comment I have done nothing wrong.I have Been with AOL since the beginning. Please fix this.

    The moderators are controlling my aol. Need help not a computer guy. I am just a plumber. Please fix this.

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  10. be more neutral

    Do not know why my comment was rejected. Did not cuss, did not name anyone, and I have seen way worse comments that what I said, Yet you blocked mine because I told the truth? Just because I'm not a liberal like you, my comments don't count? What happened to the 2nd amendment?
    Apparently, you don't believe in it. I;m tired of wasting money on your platform.

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  11. 4190th ranked

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  12. Not Receiving Replies, or "Likes" For AOL News Stories

    Hi Guys, for a few weeks now I am not receiving emails for the comments I make on AOL News stories. In the email it would say; xx-person likes your comment, or xx-person replied to your comment. I no longer get these notifications. Have you discontinued this? I look forward to your (or anybody's) reply.

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  13. 4190th ranked

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  14. 2339th ranked

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  15. Quit showing that **** big snake!

    Quit showing that **** big snake

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  16. Not only is there more spam in my account than before, but now each one is doubled.

    Get your staff in gear and stop all the spam. There are WAY too many to add filters.

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  17. U.S. based customer service! So I have had to enter the passwords for each of my email accounts twice this month. No communication from AOL,

    No communication from AOL, as to why my email hasn’t been delivered on two addresses, for two days! I have to guess!!! Then I figure out that for the second time this month I’ve had to log in with my password! This is inconvenient and unnecessary!!

    Been a customer since 1997! IT ABSOLUTELY AMAZES ME TO READ OTHER FEEDBACK! Seems like EVERYONE is having the same problem. Does Management ever read any of this! I personally think I’m wasting my time!

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  18. blue dots on mails that are already read

    when the view is new/old mail blue dots appears even on emails that are already read, on unified mail there is no issue, I contacted AOL support but no other member reported this, anyone else have this experience?

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    The gaming site is a mess ... please bring back the old format. Your techs DO NOT know what they're doing, your site is a mess.

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  20. Improve payment change options.

    I can not seem to simply update payment information for all services I use at one time. I can only update the information for each service and then only when requested because of a declined payment.

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