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  1. 2331st ranked

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  2. fix imap server to connect to mac 10.6.3

    Please fix your imap server where older macintosh comp. can connect. mail app on mac 10.6.3 will not connect to get mail. worked fine for years an all of a sudden it wont work.

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  3. Monitor your moderator today of 8/29/2020 at 2pm pacific time. Bias rejections of fun comments is totally Bias and will have a negative affe

    Moderate the moderator today 2pm pacific time; very Bias and will have negative affects on AOL scripts
    Should be free speech but is almost as bad as CNN

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  4. 2331st ranked

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  5. I


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    I see your criticism of "social distancing" etc for the RNC, but NO criticism for the demonstrations and riots!. ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP TRACK OF COVID AMONG THE DEMONSTRATORS AND RIOTS? I think NOT! Just MORE BIASED HYPOCRITICAL REPORTING FROM YOU AND YOUR LEFTIST BUDDIES! (Someone there must still recognize the truth when it slaps them in the face, or is it too late?)

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  7. 2331st ranked

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  8. 1493rd ranked

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  9. Jail

    Jail the phony AOL Writers

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  10. Please bring back AIM

    I don’t know about other people, but I’d rather have AIM again than continue using Facebook messenger. I just thought it was so fun to use and with the nostalgia of the 90s, what I wouldn’t give to put up an away status again.

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  11. WTF is a long running script and why does it preclude opening EVERY story?

    WTF is a long running script and why does it preclude opening EVERY story? Fix it!

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  12. games

    Are you doing anything to fix the slots lounge games at all? The games are not working now either do you have qualified people working for you. I have tried to be nice about this but that doesn't work. PLease fix these games.

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  13. you can't read one of your headline stories because you mhave to deal with so many ads and it slows the process and then you have to go to n

    eliminate some of the ads so you can read the story without haveing to deal with a slowdown and then having to go to next to get the story and by then I am disgusted and click cancel you waste my time and ruin the story with all you ads I'll bet I'm not alone in this comment and no longer try to read any of your headlines I'll bet if your advertizers knew what you were doing you would lose some customers

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  14. brain dead

    AOL kisses Biden's *** so much that it makes me throw up. AOL has facts or research on what is puts out. AOL is destroying America because it is a brain dead organization who hates Trump. They have no reason to hate Trump so that is how stupid they are. AOL, I wish your liberal editorial stall rots in **** and you need Jesus to pardon you.

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  15. Biased

    Please stop all the negative, biased news articles. I have been an AOL member for about 28 years and getting tired of the negativity. It would be nice for RESPECT to come back into the media's reporting. Not all of us look or think alike so let's respect our different opinions and choices and stop trying to shove your views down everyone's throat. R E S P E C T...Aretha said it best!

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  16. Stop publishing fake news. Blacks are treated as unfairly as whites by police and the criminal justice system.

    The real news is how society is fine to blame the victim, the police, for the misconduct of an American subculture(Blacks). What is happening in Minneapolis is a modern witch trial. This cop did nothing to cause this junkies death. Using his knee to the neck would never cause someone to stop breathing. Im an RN with extensive experience observing arrhythmias caused by hypotension and anoxia; what the race trader Crump claims caused his death. Mr Floyd was in Ventricular Tachycardia or Fibrillation, conditions never caused by airway obstruction or vagal response. This will go down in American history as…

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  17. I'm so sick of AOL news!

    So SICK of your bias and everyday anti-America and anti-President Trump. We've had AOL, pretty much, since day 1, but we are seriously considering going through all the hassle of changing email addresses on everything and doing away with AOL all together! So sickening, every single day. We have to listen to the mainsteam media try to tear this country up everyday, why does AOL think they have to jump on the anti-Trump bandwagon? Wish you would be fair and impartial.

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  18. 2331st ranked

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  19. Your number 13 headline? What's with YOU lazy people at AOL?

    The grown son who moved home and wouldn't leave until he went before a judge? I would be embarrassed to run that old story! What's the matter? No new hit job from yahoo news? I'm sure there will be plenty tonight or tomorrow morning after the speakers at RNC ripped the dems!
    What a contrast to the hate Trump rhetoric all week at DNC! There are actually points to criticize Trump on, but the democrats sure struck out in every way last week!

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  20. Don't ask me to add email/phone nearly so often. 1 time a year would be enough. Or let us opt out. It is annoying!

    Don't ask me to add email/phone nearly so often. 1 time a year or once every six months would be enough. Or let us opt out. It is annoying! It seems like it is asking a couple times a week. Flipping enough already.

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