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10761 results found
fix letter garden
fix letter garden
4187th ranked -
4187th ranked
stop changing the way we post, now it is points instead of likes.
explain in an email when you change the way we post I don't get it now I have 1 point but just this morning 3600 likes. Explain
4187th ranked -
2337th ranked
The comments should also list the number of dislikes for each commenter.
Along with calibrating the number of likes that a commenter has accumulated, the number of total dislikes should be reported, too.
2337th ranked -
Stop getting kicked out after signing in
Just fix the whole AOL system. I am truly thinking of uninstalling. Sign in and get timed-out. Stupid.
1498th ranked -
i wrote last week about wishing FORMER President Happy Fathers Day, i found tha offensive and here you go again this week with another Dem
see above you should ban all political adds, they are offensive
4187th ranked -
4187th ranked
Apparently, the CDC is part of the swamp that needs to be drained. Just talking about where a virus originated is NOT racist. But abject stupidity abounds with the democrat leadership currently. The reason the CDC was not ready for this outbreak, is because they were hard at work trying to develop sensitivity training guidelines. The democrats have no issues worth talking about in a time like this. If Trump isn't "stringent" enough the dems scream, if he declared martial law, they would scream. And YOU do/would scream with them.
1498th ranked -
why can't teachers hold back students?
bring school back to the days when kids were held back because they didn't know the years subjects, or didn't learn. whos , and we need names, passed this stupid law and why did the teachers agree??????
2337th ranked -
stop using the Sun Times as the source of "local" news on home page.
I live in Cary, IL. The Sun Times has no relevance to my "Local News" plus requires a subscription to read the articles your headlines link to.
2337th ranked -
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <Error> <Code>AccessDenied
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Access Denied</Message>
</Error>4187th ranked -
The Real Truth Starts to Trickle Out
So now we are hearing more about the ****** harassment charge from the Biden aide. By this time in the Kavanaugh confirmation YOU and your left-wing liars were "believing" people that have since admitted they hadn't even met Kavanaugh. AND make a huge stink (perfect). There are other truths coming forward, like the huge unneeded panic about this virus. But the trickle I'm waiting for is the truth about the BS Russia investigation and the persons in high places that will finally be exposed!
2337th ranked -
Pause button not some cute thing like tap and hold down
How about putting an actual pause butting (II) by the arrows that let you move through the news or what you pass off as news. Some people don't read as fast as you change screens and your cute combinations are, excuse me, just stupid and not know to most. Just use the universal symbol know to people. It would help many. I can't be the only one.
2337th ranked -
Your stinking liberal bias should make you sick
4187th ranked -
4187th ranked
Tell me how to access my email once again. I have been blocked.
Email won't open.
4187th ranked -
responding to an open conversation
Why am I getting this message, when responding to a conversation?
"This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Access Denied</Message>
</Error>"4187th ranked -
U suk....not a news story in years ... r u hiring dumb ***** that r in their basements ..
Report the real news u *******'s
4187th ranked -
4187th ranked
- Don't see your idea?