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10762 results found
Your latest change in solitaire classic is going to lose you a lot of players but that's what you all seem to like!!
4187th ranked -
2337th ranked
what has happened ?I can't get access to texas holdem
4187th ranked -
Pearlfeet adversises on AOL. They take the money fat. They do not deliver the product.
4187th ranked -
Pearlfeet adversises on AOL. They take the money fat. They do not deliver the product.
4187th ranked -
4187th ranked
get decent writers, do some reporting
this site it such a joke- its old 'news,' dumb celebrity profiles. wardrobe malfunctions (really???),countless ads-and the obvious political bias is transparent
2337th ranked -
Why has the same recipe been posted for 2 yrs now: Best Bites Oreo cookie dough brownies
why has the same recipe been posted for 2 yrs now: Best Bites Oreo cookie dough brownies? Please switch up DAILY. Also, your recipes are not seasonal. In the early part of the year you were still posting Thanksigivng recipes. What a disaster!
2337th ranked -
you are so screwed up
Even the horoscopes are wrong
4187th ranked -
Feedback Merge
My feedback was merged with an unrelated feedback group and no longer exists when I choose My Feedback. It almost seems that you, or the trash AI you are using, don't actually understand anything.
4187th ranked -
are you aware that none of the games seems to be working?
it's 6/8/20 - none of the games have worked for days
4187th ranked -
Fauci's Past Statements (Real News)
I've just listened to a montage of Fauci's past statements. Feb 29, Fauci made the statement that the US shouldn't be worried about the coronavirus. Now, everyone is quoting him about "we could have started earlier". He may be an "expert", but he's still a democrat partisan. Now that the virus is probably peaking this week, the attacks on "Trumps response" are strengthening. This is part of the ongoing democrat playbook to get rid of Trump. But, there is light at the end of the tunnel for covid19 AND the uncovering of the coup against Trump by democrat leaders and…
2337th ranked -
All your horoscopes are Virgo today 041320
All your horoscopes are VIRGO
2337th ranked -
I refuse to bother with AOL News, etc until you put photos and text in perfect sync!
Please put each AOL News photo in perfect sync with its text !!!!
When they are not in perfect sync I will not bother to use AOL News.4187th ranked -
I can't access my email at all lately. Fix it!
Your system will not allow me to sign in to my email account. What gives? I've had this email address for over 40 years. Fix this!!!
4187th ranked -
Will we still be able to play Word chuck afler December many of us have been playing together for many years and want to continue?
wordchuck post flashdrive shut down dec 2020
4187th ranked -
2337th ranked
2337th ranked
2337th ranked
what's going on ? can't access texas holdem
help4187th ranked
- Don't see your idea?