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10792 results found

  1. Responsibility to your consumers

    First and MOST important thing to improve AOL, get totally rid of ALL fake news and those that proliferate it like fox and ALL its links!! Anyone that thinks fox news and ***-ociates lie for aa particular group, you are wrong. fox lies about almost everything and anything... Skirting the truth, stretching the truth, and lying outright, is all lying. This is not abridging free speech... it's akin to not being allowed to shout fire in a packed movie theater when no fire exists.. What will you do aol? go for the money or lose big time when those that…

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  2. "America" on line, but so much is British with British spellings, phrases. So many stories are factually inaccurate and shallow.

    "America" on line, but so much is British with British spellings, phrases. So many stories are factually inaccurate and shallow. Obviously written by a person relying on the Internet for their information and there is no real depth to the stories. Many appear to be cut and paste journalism done at a high school level by unskilled writers.

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  3. Weather Forecast Numbers Run Into Each Other, Unable to Read.........:-(

    Re-type your weather forecast numbers, presently they run in to each

    other and hard to read..........:-(

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  4. I no longer

    I no longer get email notifications to my comments or replies.

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  5. Stop the ellipses epidemic

    So many of the descriptions on the home page end in .... but still have white space where you could have completed the thought. Since there are usually about 70 choices, don't be so desperate for clicks on the incomplete ones. it is annoying.

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    How could this possibly violate community standards:
    If our politicians really were serious about reducing inflation they would police the oil industry. Check the charts on price increases, the newest one is temperatures above 95 degrees hurts refineries? Every year prices go up in the summer because people go on vacations, every fall prices go up because winter is coming and people need to heat their homes. The list of oil industry excuses go's on and on and on!

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  7. S T O P

    A O L.......Stop with the ADS on the welcome page. TOP BOTTOM SIDES AND IN BETWEEN.

    VERY ANNOYING. Impossible to read full content of what's IMPORTANT.



    S T O P !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  8. AOL Click Bait ads.

    Ads on the 5th (10th, 15th, etc) slots are overloading AOL Too many ads and videos that swamp the feed. The further down you go, the slower it goes, until it quits responding. Also, stop them from using "Bait and Switch", where the photo or description are never found... just "Click Bait". Quit it.

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  9. why change , im saying good bye

    i already called the 8oo number to complain and get changed back ,but the number was not ringing ,guess there having lots of complaints ,will try another way to get this back to the old way or i will go some where else,im tired of others thinkikg whats better for me!

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  10. get rid of the pop ups when trying to read a news article or I will stop paying my monthly gold member fee and leave aol

    get rid of the pop ups when trying to read a news article or I will stop paying my monthly gold member fee and leave aol

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  11. Stop with the Sports for Transgenders

    I read AOL's liberal news fed and wonder why you feel the minority should lead the majority in the USA. Rapinoe and other athletes should quit their drive to make womens sports a mockery. Create a new league where all transgenders athletes can participate. He vs she and she vs she or he vs he or them vs them or whatever they want to be called today. We have too many other problems in our country to be concerned about this small group of people. Move on in your life and figure it out rather than being activists for something…

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  12. I am having a problem with my comments to news stories being published.

    Please establish a way to publish comments. I have had them published in the past, what has changed?

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  13. 10553rd ranked

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  14. Try to be honest.

    Some, if not most of, your bias toward the left needs to disappear.

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  15. 10553rd ranked

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  16. 10553rd ranked

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  17. Stop being SO biased against Trump and republicans. I am shocked day after day when I see the obvious and over the top bias. Sad.

    Try to be unbiased as ANY news organization should be. Look at what has happened to CNN. It is not a viable long term strategy nor is it fair to the American people. Still very disappointed.

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  18. How about letting everyone speak and debate instead of selected liberals

    How about letting everyone speak and debate instead of selected liberals ; you need to alter your guidelines to allow for free speech instead of selected speech. Omar for example has been terribly against America and people need to express their opinions regarding her. She has been embroiled in controversy and also some illegal activities ; she never has anything good to say about America and your news seems to support her instead of allowing honest criticism.

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  19. TEST

    ******UPVOTE AND MARK CRITICAL********

    (Seeing how often this gets deleted or passed over)

    We need to stop complaining about censorship and hoping someone will do something...

    We can cry, or take legal action...

    ******UPVOTE AND MARK CRITICAL********

    Otherwise, our voices get buried and we continue to cry and get nowhere.

    ******UPVOTE AND MARK CRITICAL********


    Someone reading this is an attorney

    Someone knows what steps need to be taken

    Is it you?

    *Rant over


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    Please stop sending all the mostly good about Biden who has completely
    disappointed the people. Please tell the real Biden.

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