AOL Super App for iOS
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
615 results found
It is harder to tell what email on the list is open. It was grayed before and now just the dot is missing.
Different topic. With AOL on my laptop I could specify an automatic bcc for all email i send. I want to do that on my iPad, 90% of my email use.
Make an easy way to delete all calendar entries.
I am getting annoying AOL calendar reminders every day. They are obsolete. I no longer use AOL as a calendar. Getting these AOL messages is equivalent to spam to me. If there is a way to to delete my AOL calendar, will you please do so. My email address is ***
Allow deletion of draft without deleting conversation
I like the idea of saving a draft automatically but if a respond is no longer required and I do not want it sent by mistake, I would like to be able to delete the draft without losing the whole conversation. I lost a whole lot of conversations that did not show up in the Trash folder so I could not undo that mistake.
How do i make my husband’s email address pop up in the “to” slot?
When i put my hubands name in the to” slot his email dies not come up. I may have clicked in the past on a wrong spot to make tgat happen. Can it be fixed?
Spam!!! This new app opens the first spam email when you check your spam folder.
Block all spam allow a setting to make sure the spammers can’t tell if their emails have been opened. This new app Is horrible in regards to minimizing spam
I’m so frustrated - my AOL APP won’t work
My idea is simply that I need to access my email on my iPad PRO - I have now uninstalled and reinstalled the APP 4x - I get error messages - that I can’t get my emails -won’t download and to retry - I can see the news feed - but email just won’t work - I need to access and now can only see them if I go directly to - not fin - prefer to click on APP
Real information not lies!
Instead of lying about President Trump how about you speak the truth! 85 million Americans and forgein countries like Australia, London , England , Ireland , Israel, Canada all support and have held rallies in their cities for President Trump to stay in office and rule 4 more years ! No one wanted Obama another 4 years millions protested and yet he was allowed back in to finish destroying American values and throwing a huge racist gape into American culture! Now the Senate Has the ability to win back the Americans they lost and win back support of our American…
When I click on an article on Facebook for it opens the app but not to the article. Please fix this
When I click on an article on Facebook for it opens the app but not to the article. Please fix this
If updating, don’t remove options, add to them
1) Visually impaired people could always change text size in prior versions. Please bring that back, it is imperative for many people.
2) don’t automatically open the next email. At least make it an option like it was before. I hate it when I read a few emails and then have to go in and change one to keep as “new mail” before I leave the app.
3). Make an option to put some color on the left side where the emails are located. Your entire page is white!
4). Stop removing options with updates. If it’s already in place,…
3 features that must be added to the new version of the AOL app for the Apple iPhone
- Add back the option to increase the type size when I read or write emails.
- Add back the option to go directly to the next email when I just deleted an email. Deleting an email now necessarily takes me to the list of emails.
- Add an option to keep from increasing the quote level when an email is a reply to a previous email. I do NOT want to see the long vertical blue line that now appears to the left of the quoted part of an email.
Remember Folder To Send A New E-Mail
New app looks great!
1 suggestion:
when I am reading a lot of e-mail, I save some to a folder.
New app makes me choose from all my folders.
I want the app to remember the sending E-Mail Address associated with the folder I used last time.
This way, I don’t have to scroll or pick from all. When you choose “Move” and you have already previously moved an e-mail from user x to folder y, bring the focus to folder y and let me confirm that move or change it.
If I change it, ask - do you want…
Limit battery use
Your app ate 45% of my battery in 3 hours. This is not good for any reason. I would prefer to use your app to check my aol mail but if this continues I will find another way and uninstall it.
Reduce hacking
I have asked to remove UK dating from my account yet it is still there. I need it removed please
Sync contacts with AOL Gold
Sync contacts with my address book in aol desktop gold. They aren’t all there anymore in the iPhone app. Grrrrr...
Stop opening mail on start.
Don’t auto open any main. Could be spam or hack. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? Bad idea.
The two different email trash cans add confusion.
One trash can kills the email in the window. The other killls checked emails in the list. Too easy to accidentally hit the wrong one and lose emails to Trash.
- Don't see your idea?