I personally like my older version of emails
I prefer my emails the old version of what I had

Gina Hannah commented
I don’t like the new format. And please bring back “starred” items. This allowed for a quick way to find important emails.
WILLIAM LEE commented
The new version of email is TERRIBLE! I’ve used AOL email since the mid-1990s and have been good with it. This is a HUGE MISTAKE.
Not a fan of the new email UX- too garrish and distraxting with all of the colors. Shipping at the top is the only bright side
Judy Mcdaniel commented
Awful new format
MICHAEL LEE commented
Another reason to move
LARRY CARLON commented
Please give me back the older version!!!!
WILLIAM FOY commented
Hate this. Not broken don’t fix!
Susan Weingarten commented
Hate this new version of the mobile app. Want to be able to use previous format.
derrsat commented
Please go back to previous version. There is no way to toggle through multiple AOL accounts.
ANDY CARLTON commented
I want the old version back now. I like nothing about this version that you just copied for yahoo mail app. I stopped using it the first week it changed to this version. I will now delete this app and use another one.
I do NOT like being a test subject!!???😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
MAX CANTU commented
I don’t mind the new look, in fact it looks better to me, BUT bring back the ability to ‘sort’ by UNREAD and STARRED/FLAGGED. I used these functions all the time. Now they’re gone. ?
MAX CANTU commented
Yes, I totally agree!!! I used the ‘UNREAD’ and ‘FLAGGED’ functions all the time. Now they’re gone. I can’t sort ONLY those messages anymore. Don’t try to make things better by taking away functionality. ☹️
MAX CANTU commented
Yes, I totally agree!!! I used these functions all the time. Now they’re gone. Don’t try to make things better by taking away functionality. ☹️
MAX CANTU commented
I used the ‘UNREAD’ button all the time because often I didn’t have time to read all my messages or I ‘STARRED (flagged)’ some of them. When I clicked on these buttons (unread/flagged), ONLY the ‘unread or flagged messages would show. Now I have to scroll up and down endlessly to find the ‘unread’ or ‘starred’ messages that I’ve flagged or marked. If I have a message I left unread (deliberately or maybe by accident) a few weeks ago, it now takes me forever to find those messages because I have to scroll through other messages I’ve already read (but chose NOT to delete). Please bring those options back!!!
OMG, YES, PLEASE! That was so helpful! Both flagged/starred and unread options for sorting!
JON WOLLAND commented
I want my old email format back. I HATE this new version. I want to observ 30 emails in the window and be able to tag the ones I want to delete all at once. This one at a time BS sucks!!
Patrick McDonald commented
Can I go back to the old AOL Mail?
D B commented
Go back to the old version. New one sucks
D B commented
Go back to the old version. New one sucks