AOL Mail Norrin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1046 results found
sign in
remove the phone message to sign in .. it is a pain in the butt..../
276th ranked -
Avoir la possibilité de faire apparaitre la ligne Cc et la ligne Cci par défaut lors de l'écriture d'un mail
Avoir la possibilité de faire apparaitre la ligne Cc et la ligne Cci par défaut lors de l'écriture d'un mail
415th ranked -
Add subscriptions and receipts to AOL Mail (like Yahoo has)
Since this new AOL Mail is basically the Yahoo Mail interface, can you enable the Subscriptions and Receipts folders (in the same place Documents, Pictures, and Travel is)?
235th ranked -
Noiseless "beeps"...
Please make the "beep" announcing new e-mail quieter, or take it off...
865th ranked -
20th ranked
App pasword not working
App Password
If you don’t normally use a password to sign in to your AOL account, here’s where you can generate a password for 3rd-party apps that require passwords.92nd ranked -
Change the contact function again
Ich habe mich schnell an die neue Inbox gewöhnt, das gefällt mir sehr gut. Aber die Kontakte zu finden war in der alten Versions weitaus einfacher. In der neuen Version ist es eine umständliche Sucherei.
570th ranked -
Localization change
Once I switched to new style it automatically set another locale and I can't find a way to change it back
167th ranked -
Restore "Old" email handling of links:
When a link is embedded as text in an incoming message, recognize it and underline it - and (most important) if I click on it, follow it and open that location in a new tab.
47th ranked -
Need larger font. How do you do this?
Need larger font size!
113th ranked -
Providing an option to confirm or update a user's credentials
Not having an individual's profile settings is concerning. I'm not sure company legitimate anymore, according to media it doesn't exist. The inability to validate personal info for account, even though having paid support is concerning. Especially since account misidentified as a business account so often. I am baffled by the account's uncertainty, inconsistent reliability, and unwilling or lack of support contacts... which I pay for and need.
235th ranked -
NO I don't see what I am looking for
How can I move a read email to a folder that I have created. Since the new update Jan 2023, when I open the "move" option, there are only a few folders listed in that area. WHY??? My folders that I created on the left hand side are still there THANK GOODNESS, with the old emails I had moved there before the update and I can still open them, but I cannot send a read email to the folder, they aren't listed anymore under "move". WHY?????? pls help! I still want this option and do NOT want any of my…
276th ranked -
Font size, color and type settings please!
We used to be able to SET or font size, color and type in settings. Right now I can only set size and type BUT it keeps defaulting to TINY when I set it in settings to MEDIUM. Please address this as I cannot read that TINY size well.
9th ranked -
Paragraphs doubled
When I paste text from Word into the write email window, all my paragraph breaks get doubled so the paragraphs are too wide apart. This never happened with the old version of AOL.
155th ranked -
Use keyboard keystroke functions for ordinary tasks
Be able to use CTRL R for Reply, CTRL Enter for Send and CTRL F for forward without having to click the button for that action.
415th ranked -
Miss my comic sans font from old AOL mail. Would like more choices in fonts.
77th ranked -
How can I search and receive results from folders other than Inbox, such as Sent, Spam, and Draft boxes?
How can I search and receive results from folders other than Inbox, such as Sent, Spam, and Draft boxes?
113th ranked -
Intégrer la possibilité de demander un accusé de réception et de lecture pour les mails envoyés
Intégrer la possibilité de demander un accusé de réception et de lecture pour les mails envoyés serait très intéressant.
333rd ranked -
How can I reply to messages with the full header from the last message included?
How can I reply to messages with the full header from the last message included?
Sent: Tue, Jan 3, 2023 9:39 am
Subject: _______92nd ranked -
If there is an entry in my contact list and I receive an email from that address it should be placed in my new mail / in basket not put into my recently deleted folder along with other junk mail. I have that person in my contact list for a reason and I can remove them if there is a problem.
215th ranked
- Don't see your idea?