AOL Mail Norrin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1046 results found
Make the letters larger...they are very hard t read for an older person who has eye sight problems.
Make the letters larger, they are very hard for an older person to read if the person has any eyesight problems.
13th ranked -
Type size
As an older user, I would appreicate being able to increase the size of the type
40th ranked -
AOL précède ma saisie
Depuis quelques temps AOL n'obéit pas à ma volonté :
Dès que saisis une réponse à un mail, le système anticipe mon écriture et propose des mots ou des lettres que je ne veux pas écrire. Par ailleurs, lorsque je veux renommer un objet de classement, il m'impose des noms que je ne désire pas. Par exemple, si je veux nommer un objet de classement "ORGANIGRAM" il va m'imposer "ORGANIGRAMME". Si je tape "GRAM" il va m'imposer "HERBE"
C'est très nouveau comme bogue.415th ranked -
Filters - ability to sort alphabetically
Provide an option to sort filters alphabetically by name, i.e., the incoming or "from name".
48th ranked -
Spell Check what happened to it.
Add a spell check
4th ranked -
Email used to go directly to "Old" file once I read it.
In the old version of AOL, once I opened and read an email it went directly to the "Old Mail" file when I closed it out. Now the email stays active in the "New Mail" file and I have to physically delete it. Am I missing some sort of setting to get it to automatically go to the old mail folder?
113th ranked -
insert a line across the page
Add the capability to insert a line across the page between any text line.
This was available in the old version. Very useful!Allow the user to reposition function buttons on the page!
Add a print button to the function area!
131st ranked -
How do I get rid of the Starred folder? I don't want it, I don't need it, I don't use it.
Get rid of the Starred folder. I don't want it, I don't need it, I don't use it.
333rd ranked -
cc as a Standard Default Address Line Option
Please add an option to have the CC address line appear by default.
276th ranked -
Bring back the counters for all the boxes not just the in box!
Bring back the counters for all the boxes not just the in box!
Ann333rd ranked -
113th ranked
15th ranked
responding to email
Used to be able to respond to an email, and then 'keep as new'. With the new AOL, it automatically puts the email I responded to in the 'Old' folder. I want to be able to choose to 'keep as new' after responding.
31st ranked -
Preview Screen
PREVIEW SCREEN - We should be able to change the background color when viewing/previewing a photo. 18% gray, as it currently is, doesn't work. We should be able to add more contrast by choosing a black background.
333rd ranked -
Not syncing with my phone. Once I delete from my phone, my windows doesn't updated automatically. I have to refresh every time.
Not syncing with my phone. Once I delete from my phone, my windows doesn't updated automatically. I have to refresh every time.
167th ranked -
Delete Process is not Operating Correctly
3) Old and New Ver problem, when someone is is replying to and email and selects a large block or all of the text to delete it. The entire file is deleted, one must go to Deleted files to recover it. It should never delete a file from within a file as just described.
2) New version: The Reply anchor to an open file should be at the top or at the top and bottom. I get large files of multi-reply add on comments that are maintaining a legal dispute.
3) Deleted and recovered files do not have a reply…276th ranked -
Leave messages in New Mail
After a message is read is it possible to leave it in New Mail as opposed to having it go to Old Mail. The present set up requires me to continuously switch between new and old to find messages that I read but did not delete. Let me move it when I want to.
141st ranked -
Search button next to subject line
Please move the search eye glass that pops up next to the subject line. I keep hitting it and it take to search for more emails with that subject when all I wanted to do was open the email.
167th ranked -
Add Signature in Spell Check
After 30 years AOL still says there is a Spelling Error in my name / signature!! And I cannot add my name to the dictionary! Why?? Help!!!
188th ranked -
Get rid of Old and New - I just want one Inbox
I just want One inbox - not have mail disappear into Old and New. I can't find the setting to turn this back [happened this year].
215th ranked
- Don't see your idea?