political ads
stop sending me political ads

DAVID PAWSON commented
Gary, just start including the FEC as a CC when you send these requests. Their email is enfcomplaint (at) fec.gov, as in "enforcement complaint."
DAVID PAWSON commented
Absolutely! Do NOT put this party's advertisements or solicitations on my screen! And bear in mind that while you require (so much for pro-choice) that I share my information with this "UserVoice" thing, neither you nor they have my consent to share, sell, give away, transfer, or in any other way disseminate my information with ANY political or commercial entities.
DAVID PAWSON commented
As to your requirement that I allow "UserVoice" to access my name, gender, birthdate, locale, profile pictures and email address: Yes, you may ACCESS them. You may not store, sell, share, communicate, insinuate, or otherwise disclose or disseminate this information to ANYONE for ANY REASON. I do hope that this is clear.
DAVID PAWSON commented
AOL already crams too much leftist garbage down our throats. I already continually receive messages of various types from Democrats soliciting money. And I report them now to both the FCC and the FEC because I am tired of saying I AM NOT INTERESTED and DO NOT CONSENT to these intrusions. If this continues here, I will include AOL's failures to respect my choices. DO NOT POST LEFTIST ADS TO MY SCREEN! EVER!
Vincent Poppa commented
No more political ads
Stop with the political ads. Unless you can be fair and have all political parties you should not be accepting money from any political group. We are grown ups and can look on the web if we want to donate
Tony Williams commented
Don't send me Political add! I hate the democrats! I will leave AOL and post your **** on any social website!
Ralph Peppard commented
You have hundreds of complaints about the political ads for money that is irritating your paying clients. Why do you not do something about this or at least inform us why you ignore our plea for this to stop?
NANCY MURPHY commented
Please stop the Harris ads, along with the money begging from Obama, Biden, and the rest of the Democrat plutocrats. She is a twisted, idiotic, horrible person, and I don't need this every time I use email.
It's not like you're carrying ads for a variety of candidates.
The political ads are disgusting. Please stop littering AOL with the Democratic party influence.
Sick of this **** when I open my mail attachments get this BS off my sign in Page!
Carole Ludwig commented
STOP, STOP, STOP with the enormous political ads for Harris begging for money that take up the whole screen after sending an email. It's very, very offensive no matter what side of the aisle one is on. AOL should be a neutral space. We can find our own political information. STOP IT.
LeeAnn Ryan commented
Absolutely! Tired of it!!!
LeeAnn Ryan commented
Why does it say "Product Support (Admin, AOL) responded? I see no response NOR action! I continue to see her stupid FACE in my FACE every time I use this email.... time to switch? I think so! Nobody wants this shoved in their face. People can think for themselves and, as you can see from all the complaints, it isn't working in your favor!
Ruth Beckmann commented
completely unacceptable --- disgusting !
WALTER WARD commented
Stay out of politics. No matter who you advertise for, you'll offend 50% of your users.
JULES HEBERT commented
I do not want any of her ads on my account!
Oren Artlip commented
stop with the ad for harris I have NO INTEREST IN GIVING TO HER
LeeAnn Ryan commented
AOL just shoving their stupid agenda down peoples throats - AOL - you suck!
LeeAnn Ryan commented
Absolutely! It is disgusting!!